Trip Protector Preferred Insurance FAQ

Who is eligible to purchase a Trip Protector policy?

An Eligible Participant
  • Home Country is the U.S.
  • Be under age 85
  • Be from an Approved State
  • Is traveling outside the U.S. or is traveling at least 100 miles from his/her home and is scheduled to spend at least 24 hours away from his/her home
  • For children under age 6, must be enrolled with a parent
  • Initial purchase must be made in home country prior to departing on trip.
  • Eligible Participants and their Eligible Dependents are the only people qualified to be covered by the Group's Policy.

Why should I buy this insurance?

One thing that's certain is the unpredictability of travel. From sickness (you or even a non-traveling family member), hurricane evacuations, or injury while traveling, HTH's travel insurance protects you - and your trip investment - even before you leave.

Exactly what does the insurance reimburse?

HTH coverage is extensive. Here's a shortlist of what's covered: All prepaid, non-refundable trip costs (such as air fare, cruises, tours); emergency medical or dental expenses; medical evacuations; personal effect expenses caused by baggage delay or loss - plus more. Visit TripProtector Benefits or TripProtecto Preferred Benefits for further details.

Doesn't my medical insurance cover me?

Most medical insurance restricts or does not cover overseas, including on a cruise ship. Travel insurance covers the many gaps often associated with taking U.S. medical coverage abroad.

Won't the credit card that I use pay for the trip or the travel supplier reimburse me, if something goes wrong?

Credit cards don't cover trip cancellation or trip interruption. And travel supplier coverage isn't as comprehensive for trip cancellation, and it typically isn't available for Collision Damage Waivers or for coverage if the supplier falls into bankruptcy.

Insurance FAQ Disclaimer

AmericanVisitorInsurance and/or its associates have tried to answer these frequently asked questions to the best of our knowledge. However we make no guarantee regarding the accuracy of our answers. The exact answers for some of the questions can change periodically as insurance companies change their plans/policies. AmericanVisitorInsurance is not liable for any problem resulting from the content on this FAQ. If you do not agree with the terms of this disclaimer, please do not use any information in this FAQ.

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