Xplorer Premier travel insurance cost calculator

Payment Type

Navigator for Missionary Insurance

AM Best Rating: "A-" (Excellent)
Underwritten by 4 Ever Life

What is Xplorer Premier insurance?

Xplorer Premier Insurance provides unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum. The plan offers comprehensive coverage across the world and can be customized to satisfy the traveler's needs. It covers pre-existing conditions with creditable coverage. The plan has no waiting period or sublimts for preventive services. After 364 days of continuous coverage, GeoBlue Xplorer members may re-enroll in a plan that matches their existing benefits.

Xplorer Premier insurance is ideal for students, study abroad and international exchange students and US citizens visiting USA

Who is eligible for the Xplorer Premier insurance plan?

  • Travelers aged 74 years and below at the time of application are eligible.
  • US Citizens, US permanent residents and all legal residents of US (citizens and foreign nationals) are eligible.
  • An employee of a US company, whereby the company is domiciled in the state listed below and the company pays the premium.

GeoBlue Xplorer Premier travel insurance reviews

Reviews, Ratings and Experiences

"I got a really great deal using GeoBlue Xplorer Premier insurance for my son. They found me the quote within minutes and it was by far the best on the market. Thank you!"
  |   Cupa
"Have not been on our trip yet but obtaining the insurance based on the different services provided was outstanding and made the decision easy on which plan to purchase."
  |   Amelia
"Easy to review plans and was very reasonably priced despite my husband having a preexisting medical condition. Customer service was extremely patient and helpful."
  |   Jennifer


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A working example of using Navigator Missionary insurance*

Consider an example where your:
  • Insurance coverage is $10,000,000
  • Deductible is $1,000 per certificate period
  • Total medical expenses is $19,500

Below is a simple calculation showing how much the plan/insurance company pays you:

Subtract the deductible from claims amount - $19,500 minus $1000 equals $18,500. Insured bears $1000

Expense Amount billed Amount Insurance Pays Amount Insured Owes
Deductible $1000 $0 $1000
Surgery $16,500 $16,500 $0
Prescription Drugs $500 $500 $0
X Ray $1,500 $1,500 $0
Total $19,500 $18,500 $1000
* Disclaimer: We have done everything to the best of our ability to make the insurance information up-to-date and accurate. However this information does change periodically and we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.

What are some key insurance terms to consider when reviewing Xplorer Premier Insurance?

  • Plan Maximum coverage of Xplorer Premier travel insurance:
    This the maximum coverage that the plan would offer for the medical expenses. Xplorer Premier insurance offers lifetime maximum limit option is $10,000,000.
  • What is a deductible in Xplorer Premier visitors insurance?
    This is the initial amount the traveler needs to pay before the insurance actually start paying. Remember higher deductible have less premium than a plan with lower deductible.Xplorer Premier insurance has deductible option from $0, $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 and $10,000
  • What is a provider network of Xplorer Premier Medical Insurance?
    It is a network of health care providers. Insurance companies form these in order to control the costs of health care. An insurance plan would pay 100% of the eligible expenses if the insured is admitted to hospital or health care center within the provider network.
  • Renewability of Xplorer Premier Travel health insurance
    Xplorer Premier Insurance can be renewed lifetime.
  • Eligibility to buy Xplorer Premier Insurance Online
    Travelers aged 74 years and below at the time of application are eligible, US Citizens, US permanent residents and all legal residents of US (citizens and foreign nationals) are eligible and an employee of a US company, whereby the company is domiciled in the state listed below and the company pays the premium.
  • Xplorer Premier Insurance underwritter
    Underwritten by 4 Ever Life and rating AM Best Rating: "A-" (Excellent).

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GeoBlue Xplorer Premier Insurance - FAQ's

1. Who can buy Xplorer Premier plan?

Xplorer Premier long term global medical insurance is popular among:

  • American expatriate
  • High net-worth global lifestyle
  • International business assignee
  • Foreign worker in the U.S.
  • Employers, church and missionary organizations
  • Embassies, expatriate websites, chambers of commerce
  • Exchange programs, associations, international property managers
  • Financial consultants

2. What are the key highlights of Xplorer insurance?

Following are some of the key benefits of buying Xplorer expat and global long term insurance

  • Unlimited lifetime max on medical
  • 100% coverage abroad

3. How GeoBlue Xplorer Premier insurance plan works?

  • Customer applies online or via a paper application. Applicant is tracked to you when the customer uses your unique web link or brochure.
  • Plan is medically underwritten and coverage may be: 1) Issued with standard rates or 2) Rated up or 3) Declined for coverage based on health history. Welcome materials are sent electronically and via mail.
  • Members are invited to register on the website, mobile site or app.
  • Coverage can be renewed at the consent of the member and the insurer.