比较 Trawick International 的 Safe Travels USA 保险

比较 Trawick International 旅行计划的福利选项和承保限额,并选择最适合您需求的计划。这些计划适用于非美国居民和非美国公民,前往美国或美国然后前往其他国家。Safe Travels USA 计划适用于绿卡持有者。


比​​较 Trawick International 针对冠状病毒的安全旅行计划

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Safe Travels Advantage
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Safe Travels USA Cost Saver
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Safe Travels USA Comprehensive
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Safe Travels USA
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覆盖最高 80% 不可用 覆盖首 五千 美元的 80%,然后最高到保单限额的 100% 在扣除免赔额后,覆盖最高到保单限额的 100% 覆盖首 二千五百 美元的 90%,然后最高到保单限额的 100%
5 天至最长 1 年 5 天至最长 1 年 5 天至最长 1 年 5 天至最长 1 年 5 天至最长 1 年
固定福利计划 固定福利计划 全面计划 全面计划 全面计划
二万五千 美元:每天 一千四百 美元,最多 30 天
五万 美元:每天 二千 美元,最多 30 天
十万 美元:每天 二千 美元,最多 30 天
十五万 美元:每天 三千 美元,最多 30 天
经济型:最高 一千四百 美元/天
基本型:最高 二千 美元/天
银色型:最高 二千 美元/天
金色型:最高 二千 美元/天
白金型:最高 三千 美元/天
钻石和钻石增强型:最高 一千五百 美元/天
平均半私人房间费率 平均半私人房间费率 平均半私人房间费率
二万五千 美元:每次事故 五千 美元
五万 美元:每次事故 五千 美元
十万 美元:每次事故 五千 美元
十五万 美元:每次事故 二万 美元
最高 五千 美元(经济型、基本型、银色型、金色型、钻石和钻石增强型计划)
最高 二万 美元(白金型计划),最多 30 天
每保单期最高 二千五百 美元 每保单期最高 二千五百 美元 每保单期最高 二千五百 美元
二万五千 美元:每次事故 二百五十 美元
五万 美元:每次事故 三百五十 美元
十万 美元:每次事故 三百五十 美元
十五万 美元:每次事故 三百五十 美元
经济型:每次事故 二百五十 美元
基本型:每次事故 三百五十 美元
银色型:每次事故 三百五十 美元
金色型:每次事故 三百五十 美元
白金型:每次事故 三百五十 美元
覆盖 覆盖
二万五千 美元:每次事件 五百 美元
五万 美元:每次事件 六百五十 美元
十万 美元:每次事件 六百五十 美元
十五万 美元:每次事件 七百五十 美元
经济型:每次事件 五百 美元
基本型:每次事件 六百五十 美元
银色型:每次事件 六百五十 美元
金色型:每次事件 六百五十 美元
白金型:每次事件 七百五十 美元
覆盖 覆盖 覆盖
二万五千 美元: 三百五十 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
五万 美元: 五百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
十万 美元: 六百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
十五万 美元: 八百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
经济型: 三百五十 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
基本型: 五百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
银色型: 五百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
金色型: 六百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
白金型: 八百 美元 和每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额
不覆盖 每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额 仅在因疾病接受治疗但未住院时适用 每次访问额外 二百 美元 免赔额 仅在因疾病接受治疗但未住院时适用
二万五千 美元:每次事件 三百五十 美元
五万 美元:每次事件 五百 美元
十万 美元:每次事件 六百 美元
十五万 美元:每次事件 八百 美元
经济型:每次事件 三百五十 美元
基本型:每次事件 五百 美元
银色型:每次事件 五百 美元
金色型:每次事件 六百 美元
白金型:每次事件 八百 美元
不覆盖 按选定的保单最高限额的通常惯例费用 按选定的保单最高限额的通常惯例费用
不覆盖 不覆盖 每保单期 二千五百 美元 每保单期 一千 美元 每保单期 一千 美元
二万五千 美元:每次事故 六百 美元
五万 美元:每次事故 七百五十 美元
十万 美元:每次事故 七百五十 美元
十五万 美元:每次事故 七百五十 美元
经济型:每次事故 六百 美元
基本型:每次事故 七百五十 美元
银色型:每次事故 七百五十 美元
金色型:每次事故 七百五十 美元
白金和钻石:每次事故 七百五十 美元
最高 二百五十 美元 最高 二百五十 美元 最高 二百五十 美元
既往病症(仅适用于 70 岁以下的会员)
紧急医疗撤离的终身最高 二万五千 美元
急性发作的既往病症 - 最高到保单限额,心脏病或中风相关覆盖限制为 二万五千 美元 / 80 岁及以上,最高为 一万五千 美元 / 心脏病或中风相关覆盖限制为 一万五千 美元。 急性发作的既往病症
最高到 69 岁的保单限额,70-79 岁为 三万五千 美元,80-89 岁为 一万五千 美元,每保单期按所述子限额
(任何心脏病或心脏疾病的覆盖限制为最高到 69 岁的 二万五千 美元,70 岁及以上为 一万五千 美元)
覆盖费用的前 一千 美元
适用于最高 69 岁,包括 69 岁在内,限额最高为购买的医疗政策限额,每个覆盖期间,除了任何与心脏病或心脏疾病相关的覆盖,限制为 二万五千 美元,最高 69 岁,包括 69 岁在内,紧急医疗撤离的终身限额为 二万五千 美元。
覆盖费用的前 一千 美元
Common carrier accidental death & dismemberment
25,000: $25,000 Principal Sum
50,000: $25,000 Principal Sum
100,000: $35,000 Principal Sum
150,000: $35,000 Principal Sum
Economy & Basic: $25,000 Common Carrier;
Silver,Gold & Platinum: $35,000 Common Carrier;
Diamond: Not Covered
$25,000 $25,000(Not subjected to medical deductible) $25,000
Emergency medical evacuation
25,000: $100,000
50,000: $100,000
100,000: Unlimited
150,000: Unlimited
Economy: $100,000; Basic: $100,000; Silver: $100,000;
Gold & Platinum: Unlimited;
Diamond & Diamond Plus: $50,000
100% up to $2,000,000 100% up to $2,000,000 100% up to $2,000,000
Emergency reunion
Not Available Not Available Up to $15,000 Up to $15,000 Up to $15,000
Up to $5,000 Up to $5,000 Up to $5,000 Up to $5,000 Up to $5,000
Trip Interruption
Not Available Not Available $5,000 per Policy Period $5,000 per Policy Period (does not cover lost trip cost) $5,000 per Policy Period (does not cover lost trip cost)
Optional Benefts
Not Available Not Available Not Available
Upgrade AD&D:
  • All Ages - Increase to $50,000 maximum AD&D benefit Additional $0.25 per person per day
  • Ages 19 to 79 - Increase to $100,000 maximum AD&D benefit Additional $0.50 per person per day
  • Ages 19 to 69 - Increase to $250,000 maximum AD&D benefit Additional $1.75 per person per day
  • Ages 19 to 69 - Increase to $500,000 maximum AD&D benefit Additional $4.00 per person per day
Upgrade AD&D:
  • Up to $1,000,000
  Travel Insurance
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“A (Excellent)” “A (Excellent)” “A (Excellent)” “A (Excellent)”
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Compare Trawick international visitor insurance plans for USA

Visitors to USA must be aware of the high health care costs and the drawbacks of not buying visitors medical insurance. A small injury or sickness in the US which lead to hospitalization can result in huge medical bills. If the international tourist has bought adequate visitor medical insurance, then it would be easy to clear all the medical bills and have a hassle free trip. Without visitors insurance for USA, the traveller may get stranded with an expensive medical bill which can be traumatic.

There are many insurance companies that offer a wide range of USA travel health insurance. As many US visitors insurance plans are available, it is recommended to compare among them and buy the best visitor medical insurance satisfying your needs.

Trawick International offers short term visitors insurance plans for international tourists. It is popular for its worldwide network of physicians, hospitals and pharmacies. It offers Safe travel USA Insurance plans which is underwritten by Zurich Insurance Europe AG Belgian branch and has a AM Best Rating of “A (Excellent)”.
Safe travels Insurance is available as Safe Travels Elite and Safe Travels Advantage which is a cheaper visitor insurance plan and offers fixed benefits while Safe Travels USA, Safe Travel USA comprehensive and

  • Safe Travels USA cost saver Insurance are more expensive and offer comprehensive coverage.
  • The Safe Travels USA and Safe Travels USA cost saver insurance offer primary coverage for medical expenses from hospitalization, surgeries, prescription drugs and doctor visits. They offer coverage for unexpected recurrence of pre-existing conditions.
  • Safe Travels USA Comprehensive Insurance offers coverage up to $1 million and offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for any age group. Compare Safe Travels Elite, Safe Travels USA, Safe Travels USA Comprehensive and Safe Travels USA cost saver Insurance benefits and buy the best US visitors insurance.
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Safe Travels Insurance - Common Questions

Is Trawick International a good insurance company? Is Trawick International a reliable insurance company

Trawick International insurance is one of the most renowned US travel insurance company that was established in 1998. Trawick international offers a variety of International travel insurance, trip cancellation, Trip interruption and student insurance plans. Trawick insurance has been awarded with the highest honors from Forbes Advisor to be ranked first to be the Best Travel Insurance Companies. Trawick international insurance offers plans to meet diverse requirements with a premium to meet any budget.

The travel insurance covers offered by Trawick International are perfect for employees, corporations, schools, frequent world travelers, international students, study abroad programs, missionary trips and vacationers. Travelers can customize Trawick insurance plans to cover hospital stays, doctor visits, x-rays, prescriptions, ambulance, emergency evacuation, repatriation, flight insurance, trip interruption, trip cancellation, trip delay and lost baggage. They have a good worldwide network of physicians, hospitals and pharmacies that are very well recognized.

What are the different Trawick international insurance plans?

Trawick International provides numerous insurance options for all types of travelers, including tourists, students studying abroad, business people and corporates, families and groups of travelers . Some of the different Trawick International Insurance plans are:

  • Safe Travels USA Comprehensive
  • Safe Travels USA Cost Saver
  • Safe Travels Voyager
  • Safe Travels Journey
  • Safe Travels Elite
  • Safe Travels Outbound
  • Safe Travel International

What is the coverage area of Trawick international travel insurance?

Trawick international insurance is short term travel medical insurance designed for anyone, as long as they are outside their home country.

How much does Trawick international travel insurance cost?

The cost of the Trawick international insurance will vary depending on the age of the traveler, the type of coverage and the duration of travel. Typically, travel health insurance policies cost can start even as low as $1 per day, but will be much higher for older travelers and those seeking coverage for pre-existing conditions.

How do I purchase Trawick international travel medical Insurance?

You can purchase Trawick international insurance on American Visitor Insurance at buy Safe Travels USA plans. you can also call them at (877)-340-7910 to get more information on how to apply for Trawick international travel health insurance from licensed insurance agents.

What are the requirements for purchasing Trawick international insurance?

The main requirements for applying for Trawick international insurance is the travelers passport details and the travel dates. You can apply for Trawick international insurance online on American Visitor Insurance or call (877)-340-7910 to get help while applying.

Is there coverage for Covid-19 illness in Trawick International travel insurance?

Yes, Trawick international covid insurance is offered as short term comprehensive travel health insurance for covid as any other illness to international visitors to the USA and for US citizens traveling outside of the US borders. The Trawick Covid insurance coverage is given irrespective of the variant contracted.

Is Trawick International insurance a legit company?

Trawick International insurance reviews indicate that for 24 years now, Trawick insurance has been offering high-quality and affordable travel insurance products to meet all categories of clients who travel outside of their home country. Trawick International reviews show that it has designed their products for those traveling to the USA, individuals traveling abroad, US Citizens traveling within the USA and non-US citizens traveling overseas but not visiting the USA.

Can I purchase travel insurance from Trawick International?

Trawick insurance is a leading travel insurance provider of USA and international travel insurance. Trawick insurance has been a reputed legitimate company for several years. Trawick International insurance is currently offering travel medical insurance worldwide.

What cover does Trawick International offer in Covid travel insurance? Does Trawick covid insurance have Quarantine coverage for US travelers?

Trawick International covid insurance is offered to cover coronavirus illness just like any other illness in their Safe Travels First Class Trip Protection and Safe Travels Voyager travel insurance plans. Trawick covid insurance coverage for quarantine related or accommodations due to a covered Trip Delay and an optional upgrade can also be included at an additional cost. The quarantine order should be based on the positive Covid-19 test report. Trawick international covid insurance quarantine coverage is not available in the home country.

Why should I buy travel insurance from Trawick International?

Trawick insurance offers worldwide coverage on medical insurance, travel insurance, trip insurance for trip cancellation or trip interruption, international student insurance, group travel insurance and several products aimed mainly for travelers to the USA, individuals traveling abroad, US Citizens for domestic travelers within the USA and non US citizens traveling overseas outside of their home country except USA.

Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

Here are some travel insurance tips for travelers with pre-existing conditions

  1. Choose a Visitor insurance for pre-existing conditions plan
  2. Read the policy document carefully to understand the coverage.
  3. Be informed of any waiting periods for coverage of pre-existing conditions.
  4. Consider buying a visitors insurance policy with higher coverage limits.
  5. Carry a copy of your medical records and list of medications with you when traveling.
  6. Ensure that you carry your medical prescription and medicines during your trip.
  7. Know how to access medical care in your destination.
  8. Contact your visitors insurance provider immediately in case of any medical emergency.
  9. Disclose all pre-existing conditions when buying visitors health insurance.
  10. Follow all necessary procedures to file a claim for reimbursement of medical expenses.

What are the factors for visitors insurance with pre-existing conditions coverage?

The following are the important factors to consider while purchasing visitors insurance for pre-existing conditions

  1. The definition of pre-existing conditions and the look back period under the policy.
  2. The eligibility age limit for pre-existing conditions coverage.
  3. Whether pre-existing condition coverage is limited to acute onset of pre-existing conditions.
  4. The coverage limit for pre-existing conditions which is different from the policy medical maximum.
  5. The deductible and out of pocket expenses for pre-existing conditions coverage.
  6. The renewability of the policy and its implication for pre-existing condition coverage.

Trawick International Pre-existing conditions travel insurance

Safe Travels Elite plan from Trawick International offers Acute onset of Pre-existing condition coverage up to 89 years and Safe Travels USA Comprehensive plan offers Acute onset of Pre-existing condition coverage up to 69 years. Safe Travels USA and Safe Travels USA Cost Saver cover unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing medical conditions up to $1000 for age up to 89 years for residents visiting USA and worldwide.

For Non-US citizens traveling outside their home country excluding the US Safe Travels International and Safe Travels International Cost saver covers unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing medical conditions up to $1k. Another plan Safe Travels Outbound has a pre-existing conditions look back period up to 6 months for US citizens and US residents traveling outside the US.

Why is travel health insurance for pre-existing conditions coverage important?

There are many international travelers who travel with medical ailments and it is important for them to be well informed about visitors insurance for pre-existing conditions. Most US travel insurance plans exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions. The definition of pre-existing conditions varies for different insurance providers as they have a ‘look back’ period and any medical ailments during this look back period would be considered pre-existing.

At American Visitor Insurance, we have plans which provide coverage for acute onset of a pre-existing condition up to a clearly defined limit in the policy document. All of these details can be best understood by comparing visitors insurance for pre-existing conditions plans and reviewing the policy brochures.

How does travel insurance for pre-existing conditions work?

The visitor medical insurance plans which cover pre-existing conditions clearly define what is a pre-existing condition, the look back period for pre-existing condition, whether the travel insurance coverage is limited to acute onset of pre-existing conditions or if it provides full coverage for pre-existing conditions and the coverage limit within the policy for pre-existing conditions. Any visitors travel health insurance for pre-existing conditions coverage will depend on all these factors.

Pre-existing conditions coverage - FAQ's

01. How do I know if my pre-existing condition is covered by travel insurance?

Unfortunately, this simple question has a complicated answer. The answer is: it depends. Firstly, it depends on whether you are a US resident traveling outside the US or a visitor to the US. US residents can purchase trip cancellation insurance like the Safe Travels Voyager, Safe Travels Explorer Plus and Safe Travels Journey plans and they can cover pre-existing medical condition exclusion waiver. These plans however may have specific requirements in order to waive the usual exclusion of coverage for pre-existing conditions (like purchase them within a certain number of days of your initial trip deposit or that you have a primary domestic insurance plan in the US), so you should check these details carefully if this is important to you.

Non-US residents or US residents traveling into the US have much more limited options to insure their pre-existing conditions are covered. Some plans offer coverage for "acute onset" of pre-existing conditions. However, this is misleading, since a careful look at their definition excludes chronic or congenital disorders from such coverage. Chronic illnesses are those that worsen over time and congenital disorders are issues one is born with. They exclude emergencies due to chronic illness because they will say that is not "acute" it is simply a worsening of your condition. There is a policy we know of that offer temporary medical insurance with coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions. It is Trawick International’s Safe Travels USA Comprehensive.

Firstly, they define pre-existing conditions in the following way: A pre-existing condition is a condition for which the insured received treatment or took medication for in the previous 12 months before the start of the policy. If the medication dosage has not changed and is taken as a maintenance medication, this would NOT count as a flare up or treatment of the condition. In that case, very stable conditions that have no flare ups in the past 12 months are not even excluded as pre-existing conditions. Conditions that have had flare ups or doctor recommended treatment or change in medication, are still covered by the plans but with a higher deductible and a lower maximum.

Trawick International’s Safe Travels USA Comprehensive covers Acute onset of Pre-existing condition coverage up to 69 years the limit is up to the Medical Maximum purchased per Period of Coverage. For any coverage related to cardiac disease, coverage is limited to $25,000 up to age 69 years and $15,000 for ages 70 and above. Above 70 years the Acute Onset benefits is reduced to a Maximum of $35k, with a $25k Maximum Lifetime Limit for Emergency Medical Evacuation. Any repeat recurrence within the same policy period will no longer be considered Acute onset of Pre-existing condition coverage and will not be eligible for additional coverage.

02. Do Trawick International travel insurance plans cover pre-existing conditions?

Safe Travels USA Comprehensive and Safe Travels Elite from Trawick International offers acute onset of Pre-existing condition coverage up to 89 years, Safe Travels USA and Safe Travels USA Cost Saver covers unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing medical conditions up to $1k for age up to 89 years for residents visiting USA and worldwide. For the Non-US citizens traveling outside their home country excluding the US Safe Travels International and Safe Travels International Cost saver covers unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing medical conditions up to $1k. Another plan Safe Travels Outbound have pre-existing conditions look back period up to 6 months for US citizens and US residents traveling outside of the US.

03. What does "acute onset of pre-existing conditions" mean?

The "Acute Onset of a Pre-Existing Condition" is a sudden and unexpected outbreak or recurrence of a pre-existing medical condition which occurs without any advance warning either in the form of physician recommendations or symptoms and requires immediate care (within 24 hours of first symptoms).

A Pre-Existing Condition that is a chronic or congenital condition or that gradually becomes worse over time will not be considered acute onset. The acute onset coverage benefit does not include coverage for known, scheduled, required, or expected medical care, drugs or treatment existent or necessary prior to the effective date of coverage. An example of this might be someone who has a food allergy or bee allergy and is unknowingly exposed to their allergen and requires immediate medical attention.

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