Insurance Coverage Forum

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Policy extension

I will be flying standby at the end of my trip. How difficult is it to extend my 10 day policy if I should need to, and would it be more expensive than if I just purchase an extra day's coverage now?
support_agentDear Mary
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. Assuming you have internet access wherever you are going, extending a policy is extremely fast and easy. You can do so over internet through the company's "client zone". If you keep a copy of the confirmation email handy (don't delete it) you can use this to navigate to the renewal feature. You are usually charged a $5 fee to extend coverage and the minimum you can extend for is 5 days.

Keep all that in mind as you decide when to set your "end date" on your policy!
Please let us know if we can help you in any further. We wish you safe and happy travels!
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Evacuation benefit in the Visitor Health Insurance

I am interested to purchase the Patriot America Lite plan and I am actually in the middle of purchase transaction. I have an option to select the "Evacuation plus rider" . What is this option and is the evacuation not covered if I do not select this option? Please clarify. I also need to know what Evacuation actually means?
support_agentDear Jessie
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!.
Medical Evacuation is a benefit that is available in this plan regardless of the rider. Evacuation coverage is for moving a patient from either the place of an accident to the closest treatment facility or from one hospital to another if the one does not have the appropriate equipment, etc available to treat you.
The rider is an additional benefit of $25,000 that you can add to your plan and specifically it allows for non-life-threatening medical evacuation up to a maximum of $25,000 and natural disaster evacuation up to a maximum of $5,000. So, for example, if you broke your leg abroad and really did not want to have the surgery for it done in that country, you could have the insurance company use this rider to bring you back to the US after you have been stabilized there.
I hope this clears things up for you.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910


What does co insurance not applicable mean?
support_agentDear Jessie
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!.
There are 2 kinds of visitor plans namely Fixed and Comprehensive. To know the difference, visit the link:
Fixed vs Comprehensive
Fixed plans do not have the co insurance factor where as the comprehensive plans have co insurance applicable to them for the first $5,000 of expense.
So, you will see that we have specified the co insurance as "Not Applicable" for Fixed plans in our website.
Hope this is helpful!
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Pre-existing conditions

"Acute onset" of a pre-existing condition and "unexpected recurrence" of a Pre-existing Condition, what's the difference?
support_agentDear Wanjuan
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your Travel health insurance needs!.
There is no difference between these two terms. As a matter of fact they are related. An 'acute onset' of pre-existing condition is sudden or unexpected outbreak or recurrence of pre-existing condition which occurs spontaneously without any advance warning in the form of physician recommendation or symptoms which needs immediate care.
Our plans that provide coverage for pre-existing conditions are:
Popular Pre-existing Conditions Coverage Plans
I hope this helps!
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Meaning of URC

I would like to know what does it mean URC in some plans?
support_agentDear Vitor
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. URC stands for "Usual, Reasonable, and Customary" . The plan should pay for 100% unless they are over-charging you for some reason. This amount is based on the services received and where you are located (so it's not a set amount for all places).
I hope this helps!
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Insurance coverage in USA and Chile

Some months ago I bought health insurance through you. My insurance was Liaison Insurance. I was satisfied with it. I will travel to the US again, so, I would like to check whether I can buy this same insurance again (and if it's convenient) My situation this time is a little bit different: I will be in the US from August 7 through December 14 (2013), then in Chile, and returning to Spain (where I reside) on January 10, 2014. Part of this period I will be a student at UC Berkeley, so I can buy insurance from a provider they have. If I do so, that will cover me for a quarter (from September through November). Therefore, I still have to buy extra insurance from them (at a higher price) or, perhaps, from you. UC Berkeley can waive my requirement to buy insurance from their provider as long as my insurance meets theirs requirements, which are: $500,000 per accident/illness in medical coverage
support_agentDear Daniela
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!.Based from the information you gave, you are eligible to purchase Visitor medical insurance and Student medical insurance through our website. I can't give you a price quote right now since I don't have your age. Please get back with me regarding your age and we can start from there.
Please let us know if we can help you in any further.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Health Insurance coverage for renal dialysis

Is it possible to find medical insurance that covers renal dialysis in NY
commentRania B
support_agentDear Rania B
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. Sorry Rania...We do not have policies that cover Renal Dialysis. But you can get coverage for injury/sickness during the time you stay in US.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Health Insurance coverage for Pre-existing conditions in case of emergency while in USA

I am trying to figure out what is the best plan to buy for my mother who will be visiting the US for a month. She has high blood pressure She had a craniotomy in April of 2012 when 3 aneurysms were clipped. Prior to the surgery she had a brain hemorrhage and a facial paralysis as a consequence of that. She is doing very well now and was cleared by her doctors to fly, however, I would like her to be seen by a neurologist during her stay in the US (for a second opinion on her eye paralysis), and she needs coverage in case she has an emergency. What would be a good plan for her given her history? I looked at Atlas and I think it could be useful but I am not sure. Thanks for your assistance!
commentMaria McC.
support_agentDear Maria McC.
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!. The Atlas policy is a good one but just to be clear you have to be SICK or INJURED to seek coverage - this is not a plan for maintenance/routine check ups of a pre-existing condition. Also the coverage for the pre-existing condition will be restricted to $20,000 for those under the age of 70.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Insurance coverage plans that should start from next day of policy purchase

I want next day coverage plan. If I apply for it today how soon can I go to the doctor? What information do I provide at the doctors office when they ask for my insurance?
support_agentDear Priya
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. I believe if you purchase it today (before midnight) you can start tomorrow and see a doctor tomorrow. If you already have an illness, please read over any items on "pre-existing conditions" for the policy. Some may not cover that and some illnesses may be excluded. Read over the exclusions carefully. Other than that, treatment can be sought as soon as the policy is in force.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Query regarding coverage dates

I am looking for an insurance for my trip to USA with my boyfriend. I am comparing insurances, but I have a doubt. I am filling the date for and the date to. My doubt is, for example, if I will be in a room hospital, from 3th May to 10th May and I have an insurance from 29th April to 5th May, Will I covered from 5th to 10th May?
support_agentDear Almudena
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!. In the unlikely event that you would find yourself in the hospital on the last day of your trip, the insurance will continue to cover you for that covered expense even if you must stay beyond the "last" day of the insurance coverage. Hopefully, you will not be in this situation, but it will work the way it should.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Pre-existing conditions coverage for travelers from visiting USA

I was just wanting some clarification on what is covered in your policy for the Liaison travel insurance. I am 59 years of age and will be this age at time of my travel to America from Australia. I am travelling over for a period of 14 days and have a pre-existing medical condition. I suffered a mild stroke on the 05 October 2011 and will be travelling on the 20 September 2012. From reading the policy, my understanding is that I would be covered for up to $15000 in medical expenses if I was to have another stroke while I was over there and that I would be covered for up to $300,000 if I had to be evacuated to my home country due to this stroke. Is this correct?
commentGerda Oudyn
support_agentDear Gerda Oudyn
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. This policy is no longer available. The company has revised their offerings into the Liaison Travel Series, some of which do offer pre-existing medical condition coverage. This is an item that is becoming offered more often and changed. Be sure you check the most recent offerings and definitions when searching for pre-existing medical coverage for your travel.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Clarification on the Visitor Secure coverage

I would ask you some questions about the policy. I contract through you.. 1) For example, in a heavy crash with hospitalization... Should I advance some money? Or we only pay the first 50$? 2) In case of accident, whatever the gravity, how we have to proceed? Thanks for your attention.
comment Alex,
support_agentDear Alex,
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your visitor health insurance needs!. The plan you have chosen is a fixed benefit plan which means the insurance company only pays a fixed amount for each medical expense. If you are billed more than what is eligible according to the plan, then you will have to pay the difference. The schedule of what are eligible expenses is detailed in the plan brochure.
Ideally, you should be able to show your ID card and the hospital/doctor can call and arrange payment with the insurance company. In that case, you will owe your deductible, and anything charged over the limited amount that the insurance covers. If they are not willing to make the call (this is more common at a doctor's office, not at a hospital), then you will have to pay everything up front and submit your bill and the claims form to get reimbursed.

If you have further questions or concerns, please let us know.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

Clarification of Insurance policy coverage

My parents will be visiting the US from India starting 6/4, and I am interested in purchasing the Liaison Travel Insurance for both of them They are both under 65 years of age and will be staying for 3 months. Question: What is the proper definition of "Usual, reasonable and customary to the selected Medical Maximum" for Hospital Room and Board, Intensive Care and Outpatient Medical Expenses? This is very vague and does not specify what will be covered and will not. Example: My mother has an upset stomach or some joint problems, and we consult a doctor for 30 mins, as well as get a blood examination done with some joint X-rays done. The doctor prescribes some medicines, and says that she needs to come get a blood exam done once a month. Will this be covered under the deductible rules of the insurance? (I pay deductible + 20% of first $5000, rest covered by insurance)?
support_agentDear Abhishek,
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. Yes your figures are correct below. The "Usual, reasonable, and customary" refers to the fact that they will pay for whatever average rates are normal wherever in the country you are and for what you are receiving treatment for. They do not put an amount on there because it varies by where you are and the type of service you are receiving. All services are subject to the one-time deductible and coinsurance amount as you describe.
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

No coverage for certain pre-existing conditions namely osteoarthritis

I am a usa citizen living in Maryland my mom is visiting from Pakistan she has osteoarthritis and has keep pain we are looking to get her see an orthopedic or pain management specialist so she can get syndics one injection for her knee.
support_agentDear Ali,
Thank you for contacting us at American Visitor Insurance for your US visitor health insurance needs!. I'm sorry, but some existing ailment will not be covered by any insurance you purchase. IF you had made the purchase BEFORE her trip and the start of her ailment, then it’s possible to get coverage. But at this time, you will not get it covered by insurance. Best you can do is find a doctor who will see her and negotiate a price for what she needs.
Good luck!
Customer care
phone(877) 340 7910

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Insurance Coverage - Frequently asked questions

1. What is the best health insurance for visitors to USA?

There are different factors for buying best health insurance for USA visitors. Visitors should compare fixed benefits and comprehensive visitor insurance plans. Foreign visitors to USA travel insurance customers should understand the concepts of deductibles and co-insurance and Pre-existing conditions travel health insurance. A prudent and well informed traveler will make the correct choice while buying tourist insurance in USA for his or her unique needs.

2.  Why is travel insurance for USA so expensive?

There is no denying that travel insurance to USA is unfortunately very expensive. The main reason for this is simply because the cost of healthcare in the USA is very expensive and the travel insurance USA costs are directly related to the healthcare costs.One more factor for some USA travel insurance plans to be very expensive is that there are specially designed travel insurance for USA plans available for older travelers, with higher medical coverage as well as some plans with coverage for pre-existing ailments.

3.  How to buy travel insurance ? How to find the best international travel health insurance ?

There are many international travel health insurance plans for coverage both in the USA as well as around the world offered by US insurance providers. Given the several travel insurance international options, it can be confusing to find the best health insurance for international travel for your needs. What is very useful in making this decision is to compare travel insurance USA of different companies.

The travel insurance comparison allows travelers compare prices as well as coverage benefits in an objective manner. The traveler can change relevant factors like the medical maximum coverage required, the international traveler insurance deductible, any international travel health insurance plans with coverage for pre-existing ailments, travel insurance international coverage for Covid19 ... The global travel insurance comparison also allows travelers to buy the best travel insurance based on ones needs by completing an online application and paying using a credt card. One completing the purchase the travel insurance plan is emailed to the customer.

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