
Schengen Visa Travel Insurance Requirements

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Traveler's Age & Citizenship
Start date
End date

What does Schengen visa travel insurance cover?

Satisfies Visa requirements

Schengen visa insurance satisfies consulate requirements.

Doctor visit

Schengen travel insurance covers Doctor visits in case of sudden injury or sickness.

Medical evacuation

Emergency medical evacuation expenses to nearest available facility if needed.

Health care expenses

Covers emergency medical expenses for accidental injury or illness.

Repat of remains

Offers coverage for repatriation of remains expenses to home country in case of death.

Pre-existing conditions

Travel insurance offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions.

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The Schengen visa travel insurance plan must meet these requirements:

  1. It should cover at least €30,000 (around $50,000 USD) for medical expenses and emergency evacuation.
  2. It should be valid in all 27 countries in the Schengen Zone.
  3. It should be valid for the entire duration of time you are in the Schengen states.

Some general guidelines on Schengen Visa travel insurance requirements:

  • Medical coverage: The Schengen travel insurance should have a minimum coverage amount of at least 30,000 euros (at least $50,000 USD). This coverage is intended to cover medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains in case of an accident or sudden illness.
  • Coverage for all Schengen 27 countries: The insurance coverage should be valid for all the Schengen countries you plan to visit during your trip.
  • Medical Expenses and Repatriation: The insurance should cover any medical expenses that might arise during your stay, including emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, and prescription medications. Additionally, it should cover the cost of repatriation in case of serious illness, injury, or death.
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation: The insurance policy should provide coverage for emergency medical evacuation back to your home country in case of severe medical conditions that require specialized treatment not available in the Schengen country.
  • Duration of Coverage: The insurance coverage should be valid for the complete duration of the intended stay within the Schengen Area.
  • Insurance Provider: The Schengen visa insurance policy should be provided by a reputable and recognized insurance company.
  • Proof of Insurance: The traveler will need to provide proof of Schengen travel insurance when applying for a Schengen Visa. This can be a certificate or letter from the insurance company stating the coverage details and confirming that it meets the Schengen requirements.
  • Additional Coverage: While not always mandatory, it's advisable to consider additional coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, lost baggage, and other unforeseen events that could disrupt your travel plans.
Spouse's Age
Start Date
End Date
  • Policy Maximum#1 
  • Deductible#2 
  • Schengen visa letter
    Sent immediately after purchase
  • Does not offers coverage for pregnancy
  • Acute onset of pre-existing condition coverage is available within the age of 70
  • Policy Maximum#1 
  • Deductible#2 
  • Schengen visa letter
    Available from client zone
  • Covers complications of pregnancy in the first 26 weeks of gestation
  • Acute onset of pre-existing condition coverage is available within the age of 79
  • Policy Maximum#1 
  • Deductible#2 
  • Europe visa letter
    Sent immediately after purchase
  • Covers Emergency Medical Treatment of Pregnancy
  • Covers unexpected recurrence of pre-existing conditions up to the age of 89 years
  • Policy Maximum#1 
  • Deductible#2 
  • Europe visa letter
    Sent immediately after purchase

#1  Policy Maximum is the maximum eligible medical expenses that the plan will cover.

#2  Deductible is the amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.

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How Travel insurance plans meet Schengen Visa Insurance Requirements?

Schengen Visa Insurance Requirement Atlas International Patriot International Lite Safe Travels International Travel Medical Global Choice
Valid across all Schengen Area countries. Satisfies all Schengen visa insurance requirements. Satisfies all Schengen visa insurance requirements. Satisfies all Schengen visa insurance requirements. Satisfies all Schengen visa insurance requirements.
Minimum coverage of 30,000 Euros (approximately USD $33,819).
  • Available up to $2,000,000 in maximum coverage for individuals under 65.
  • Available up to $100,000 in maximum coverage for individuals aged 65 to 79.
  • Available up to $1,000,000 in maximum coverage for individuals under 65.
  • Available up to $100,000 in maximum coverage for individuals aged 65 to 79.
  • Available up to $1,000,000 in maximum coverage for individuals under 65.
  • Available up to $100,000 in maximum coverage for individuals aged 65 to 79.
  • Available up to $1,000,000 in maximum coverage for individuals under 70.
  • Available up to $100,000 in maximum coverage for individuals aged 70 to 79.
Coverage for expenses arising from the individual's death.
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Local Burial or Cremation
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Local Burial or Cremation
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Local Burial or Cremation
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)
  • Repatriation of Remains
  • Local Burial or Cremation
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death
Coverage for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment
  • Hospital Room and Board
  • Local Ambulance
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care
  • Terrorism
  • Hospital Room and Board
  • Local Ambulance
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care
  • Terrorism
  • Hospital Room and Board
  • Local Ambulance
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care
  • Hospital Room and Board
  • Local Ambulance
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care
  • Terrorism
Coverage for medical repatriation expenses. Emergency medical evacuation to the nearest suitable facility, with a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000. Includes costs for air or ground transportation home. Emergency medical evacuation to the nearest suitable facility, with a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000. Emergency medical evacuation to the nearest suitable facility, with a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000. Emergency medical evacuation to the nearest suitable facility, with a lifetime maximum of $500,000.

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Schengen Visa Letter

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Schengen travel insurance 30000 Euro medical coverage - FAQ’s

01. Why is travel insurance required for a Schengen Visa?

Proper travel insurance is required by the Schengen country consulates to ensure that travelers have enough financial coverage in case of unexpected medical emergencies, accidents, or other unforeseen events during their stay in the Schengen Area.

02. What is the minimum coverage amount required for Schengen Visa travel insurance?

The minimum coverage amount required for Schengen Visa travel insurance is typically 30,000 euros, around USD 50,000. This coverage is intended to cover medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation. American Visitor Insurance offers plans which satisfy Schengen visa requirements designed by US insurance providers.

03. Can I use any travel insurance for my Schengen Visa application?

No, you cannot use just any travel insurance. The insurance must meet specific criteria set by the Schengen countries, including coverage amount, validity, and coverage of medical expenses, repatriation, and emergency evacuation. These specially designed plans which satisfy Schengen visa requirements are available on American Visitor Insurance.

04. Does the travel insurance need to cover all Schengen countries I plan to visit?

Yes, the travel insurance must provide coverage for all the Schengen countries you intend to visit during your trip. It should be valid for the entire Schengen Area.

05. When should I provide proof of travel insurance for my Schengen Visa application?

The traveler should provide proof of travel insurance when you submit your Schengen Visa application. The proof could be in the form of a certificate or letter from the insurance company detailing the Schengen travel insurance coverage.

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List of travel insurance companies for Schengen visa Europe from USA

You can find reliable Schengen visa insurance providers like International Medical Group(IMG), Seven Corners, WorldTrips, Trawick International insurance.

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