Atlas America Insurance vs Travel Medical Choice Insurance

Compare travel insurance benefits offered by Atlas America insurance and Travel Medical Choice Insurance plans. These two US travel insurance plans are comprehensive benefit visitor insurance plans for international travel which offer coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions. Compare price and benefits to find the best US travel medical insurance plan for your needs.

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Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice
Atlas America
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Travel Medical Choice
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 Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice insurance benefits
Insurance Providers help
Medical Maximum Options help Age 14 days to 69: $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000, $1M or $2M
Ages 70-79: $50,000, $100,000 or $150,000
Ages 80+: $10,000
Age 14 days to 69: $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, $1M
Ages 70-79: $50,000, $100,000
80 years and older: $10,000
Deductible Options help $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2.500 or $5,000 $0; $100; $250: $500; $1,000, $5,000
Coinsurance help Plan pays 100% of eligible expenses after the deductible up to the overall maximum limit. Plan pays 100% of eligible expenses after the deductible up to the overall maximum limit. Coverage in USA
In PPO - The plan pays 100%.
Outside PPO - The plan pays 90% of the first $5,000, then 100% to the medical maximum.
Length of Coverage helpMinimum : 5 days
Maximum : 364 days
Minimum: 5 days
Maximum: 364 days
Renewability helpYes : Up to 364 days Yes. If you initially buy less than 364 days of coverage, you may buy additional time, to a total of 364 days. Your original effective date is used to calculate your deductible and coinsurance and to determine pre-existing conditions. $5 administrative fee is charged for each renewal.
 Medical Benefits
Hospital room and board help Average semi-private room rate up to the maximum limit. Includes nursing service URC to medical maximum
Hospital indemnity help $100 per day of inpatient hospitalization (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $150 per overnight inpatient confinement, maximum limit of 30 overnights. Not subject to deductible
Urgent Care Clinic help Claims incurred in the U.S.- Up to $15 co-payment. (co-payment is waived for members with a $0 deductible)
Claims incurred outside the U.S. - No co-payment.
URC to medical maximum $20 copay
 Emergency Services
Emergency local ambulance help Usual, reasonable and customary charges when covered illness or injury results in hospitalization as inpatient. $10,000
Emergency dental treatment help Up to $300 (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $500 for accident and $200 for sudden relief of pain
 Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Condition
Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions help Covers up to overall maximum limit, under age 80.(excludes chronic and congenital conditions)
With Cardiac Condition and/or Stroke:
Ages 14 days to 69 years: $50,000
Ages 70 to 79 years: $5,000
Other than Cardiac Condition and/or Stroke:
Ages 14 days to 69 years: $75,000
Ages 70 to 79 years: $7,500
AD&D help Under age 18: Up to $5,000 lifetime max.
Under age 18-69: Up to $25,000 lifetime max.
Under age 70-74: Up to $12.500 lifetime max.
Under age 75 and older: Up to $6.25,000 lifetime max.
$250,000 maximum benefit any one family or group.
AD&D buy up: $25,000
Under age 18: Up to $5,000 principal sum
Under age 19-80: $25,000 principal sum
$250,000 aggregate limit per total insureds on plan
Common carrier AD&D help Up to $50,000 for ages 18 through 69
Up to $10,000 under age 18
Up to $25,000 for ages 70 through 74
Up to $12.500 for ages 75 and older
Maximum of $250,000 for any one family or group.
Under age 18: Up to $10,000 principal sum
Under age 19-80:: $50,000 principal sum
$250,000 aggregate limit per total insureds on plan
Emergency medical evacuation help $1M lifetime maximum, except as provided under acute onset of pre-existing condition. Up to $500,000
Emergency reunion help Up to $100,000, maximum of 15 days (not subject to deductible or coinsurance) $200 per day, 10-day limit $100,000 maximum
Return of mortal remains or cremation/burial help Equal to the elected overall maximum limit - not subject to deductible or coinsurance or subject to the overall maximum limit. Up to $50,000
Return of minor children help Up to $50,000 (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $50,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Political evacuation and repatriation help Up to $100,000 lifetime maximum (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $10,000
Natural disaster evacuation help Up to $250 a day for 5 days (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $25,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Trip interruption help Up to $10,000 (not subject to deductible or coinsurance). $5,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Terrorism help Up to $50,000 lifetime maximum for eligible medical expenses only. $25,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Unique Advantages
  • Atlas America Insurance is designed for travelers on H1B/H4 visa holders or students on OPT status.
  • Covers treatment of complications of pregnancy during the first 26 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Ideal for Non US residents visiting USA
  • Optional coverage for hazardous sports.
 Travel Insurance
Underwriter Lloyd's For Including USA Underwritten by Crum & Forster SPC
For Excluding USA Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London
Rating help A++ (Superior) Standard & Poor’s Rating: AA- "A" (Excellent)
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Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice Insurance Reviews

Visiting USA can be wonderful but it involves high travel and health risks and situations like sudden sickness or accident may arise. Many of you are aware of the high health care cost for visitors to US and the expense arising from hospitalization can be traumatic without US visitor medical insurance. Many top rate insurance providers offer a wide range of visitors insurance that is available online and it is important to choose the best travel health insurance for USA. These travel insurance plans for USA are ideal for older travelers and parents as they have good coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions.

Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice insurance

Here the visitor can compare US visitor insurance cost of different travel insurance plans, in particular US travel health insurance plans like Atlas America insurance and Travel Medical Choice insurance as they offer excellent comprehensive coverage both for small ailments as well as more serious injuries and sickness. Atlas America insurance is administered by World Trips with AM Best Rating: A++ (Superior) rating. It has been offering health insurance products to customers in 130 countries. Travel Medical Choice Insurance is offered by Seven Corners with AM Best Rating: "A" (Excellent) rating and has been offering excellent international health insurance since 19 years.

  • Cost*
  • Eligible Plan for USA Coverage
  • Parents Eligible to be insured
  • Acute on set of Pre-existing Cover
  • Renewable and Cancellable
  • Deductible Choice
  • A.M. Best Rating
  • Underwriter
  • Provider
  • Buy now
  • Atlas America
  • $78
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes, covers up to 79 years
  • Yes
  • $0 to $5,000
  • "A" Excellent
  • Lloyds, London
  • WorldTrips
  • Buy Now
  • Travel Medical Choice
  • $108
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes, covers up to 79 years
  • Yes
  • $0 to $5,000
  • "A" Excellent
  • Crum & Forster SPC
  • Seven Corners
  • Buy Now
*Cost for 45 years traveler with $50,000 maximum coverage & $250 deductible, covering for 1 month.

Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice Insurance: A Quick Comparison

Atlas America Insurance

  • Offers maximum coverage up to 2 million.
  • Deductible options ranges from $0 to $5,000.
  • Covers pre-existing condition up to 79 years.
  • Renewable for up to 364 days.
  • $25 cancellation fee after the effective date.
  • Complications of pregnancy in the first 26 weeks of gestation.
  • Eligible for Non-US Citizens traveling outside their home country.
  • Covers injuries and illnesses from popular vacation sports at no extra cost.
assignmentPLAN DETAILS picture_as_pdfBROCHURE descriptionPAPER APPLICATION
  • local_hospital

    Provider Network
    United Healthcare Provider Network

  • dentistry

    Dental Treatment
    Up to $300

  • ambulance

    Emergency Medical Evacuation
    Up to $1,000,000 lifetime maximum

  • medical_services

    Urgent Care Clinic
    $15 copay

  • airplanemode_inactive

    Trip Interruption
    Up to $10,000

  • shopping_cartBuy Now

Travel Medical Choice Insurance

  • Offers maximum coverage up to 1 million.
  • Deductible options ranges from $0 to $5000.
  • Acute on set of pre-existing conditions covered up to 79 years.
  • Renewable for up to 365 days, If you initially buy less than 364 days.
  • $35 cancellation fee after the effective date.
  • Available for Non US residents traveling to USA.
  • Adventure Activities coverage is available upto medical maximum.
  • Covers Trip interruption upto $5000.
assignmentPLAN DETAILS picture_as_pdfBROCHURE descriptionDESCRIPTION
  • local_hospital

    Provider Network
    United Healthcare Provider Network

  • dentistry

    Dental Accident
    Up to $500

  • ambulance

    Emergency Medical Evacuation
    Up to $500,000

  • escalator_warning

    Return of Child(ren)

  • ward

    Bedside Visit

  • shopping_cartBuy Now

How much does Atlas America vs Travel Medical Choice insurance cost per month?

Both Travel Medical Choice and Atlas America provide excellent coverage for travelers visiting the US on a short-term basis. However, it's important to compare the two plans closely to determine which one best meets your specific needs.

You can compare cost for both Atlas America and Travel Medical Choice plans.

Atlas America

Travelers Age Maximum $50,000 Maximum $100,000
18 - 29 $50 $63
30 - 39 $59 $81
40 - 49 $78 $96
50 - 59 $131 $161
60 - 64 $177 $226
65 - 69 $206 $258
70 - 79 $356 $444

Travel Medical Choice

Travelers Age Maximum $50,000 Maximum $100,000
18 - 29 $95 $119
30 - 39 $101 $128
40 - 49 $108 $137
50 - 59 $192 $241
60 - 64 $275 $351
65 - 69 $340 $434
70 - 74 $493 $668

Atlas Travel Medical insurance vs Travel Medical Choice Insurance - FAQs

  • Atlas America Travel Insurance - FAQ's

    What are the benefits of Atlas medical insurance?

    Atlas insurance is short term travel health insurance designed for anyone, as long as they are outside their home country. Atlas Travel Insurance provides coverage for those who are traveling, studying, volunteering, or living outside of their home country. It offers core travel insurance benefits, with coverage from as little as Five days. There are three Atlas travel insurance plans to choose from Atlas Premier, Atlas International, Atlas Essential and Atlas MedEvac.

    The benefits offered on the Atlas Travel Medical Insurance plan provide a range of high quality travel insurance benefits to cover you in the event of an unexpected accident or injury when you are abroad. This includes coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, repatriation, emergency reunion and other related benefits.

    What is the coverage area of Atlas America WorldTrips insurance?
    Atlas insurance is short term travel health insurance designed for anyone, as long as they are outside their home country.

    How much does Atlas america travel insurance cost?
    The WorldTrips Atlas America insurance for visitors cost will vary depending on the age of the traveler, the type of coverage, the travel destination and the duration of travel. Typically, visitors travel insurance policies cost can start even as low as $1 per day, but will be much higher for older travelers.

    Can visitors to USA buy Atlas America insurance who are already in USA for quite some time?
    Yes, Atlas America insurance is a good option for visitors to US who have been here for some time and do not have a current insurance coverage. It is also an excellent plan for international students who are on the OPT status, H1B visa holders and for Spouses of H1B visa holders on the H4 visa status.

    Does Atlas America Insurance offer coverage for sports?
    Atlas America covers eligible injuries and illness incurred while taking part in many popular vacation sports - skiing, snowboarding, snorkelling, water skiing, and others - at no additional cost. Certain extreme sports are excluded from coverage.

    Does Atlas America insurance cover pre-existing conditions?
    Atlas America insurance pre existing conditions offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing are covered up to the age of 80 years. It excludes coverage for chronic and congenital conditions. For visitors aged up to 70 years, it offers coverage up to overall maximum limit. Visitors aged between 70 to 79 years can get coverage up to the overall maximum limit or $100,000, whichever is lower.

    Am I Eligible for an Atlas Travel Insurance Plan?
    If you are at least 14 days old and traveling internationally, you are eligible for coverage. You must purchase coverage for at least 5 days, though you do not have to travel all 5 days.If you are under age 65, you may select an overall maximum limit between $50,000 and $2,000,000. Applicants age 65 to 79 may choose an overall maximum limit of $50,000 or $100,000. Atlas Travel insurance offers a $10,000 policy maximum to applicants over age 80.
  • Travel Medical Choice Insurance - FAQ's

    What are the benefits of Travel Medical USA travel insurance?
    Travel Medical USA insurance is short term travel health insurance designed for anyone visiting the United States. Travel Medical USA Insurance provides coverage for those who are traveling on vacation. It offers core travel insurance benefits, with coverage from as little as Five days. The benefits offered on the Travel Medical USA Insurance plan provide a range of high quality travel insurance benefits to cover you in the event of an unexpected accident or injury when you are abroad. This includes coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, repatriation, emergency reunion and other related benefits.

    What is the eligibility to buy Travel Medical Choice Insurance?
    Individuals and families including unmarried dependent children traveling outside of their Home Country.

    What are the benefits of Travel Medical USA travel insurance?
    Travel Medical USA insurance is short term travel health insurance designed for anyone visiting the United States. Travel Medical USA Insurance provides coverage for those who are traveling on vacation. It offers core travel insurance benefits, with coverage from as little as Five days. The benefits offered on the Travel Medical USA Insurance plan provide a range of high quality travel insurance benefits to cover you in the event of an unexpected accident or injury when you are abroad. This includes coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, repatriation, emergency reunion and other related benefits.

    What is the coverage area of Travel Medical Choice travel insurance?
    Travel Medical Choice insurance is short term travel health insurance offers coverage for non-U.S. Residents and non-U.S. Citizens while traveling outside of Your Home Country. Individuals and families including unmarried dependent child(ren) traveling outside of their Home Country.

    Does Travel Medical Choice Insurance covers pre-existing conditions?
    Yes, Travel Medical Choice offers coverage for the acute onset of pre-existing condition coverage with cardiac condition and/or stroke for age range of 14 days to 69 years, $50,000 coverage is available and for age range of 70 to 79 years, $5,000 coverage is available and other than cardiac condition and/or stroke for age range of 14 days to 69 years, $75k coverage is available and for age range of 70 to 79 years, $7,500 coverage is available for Including USA .

    How much does Travel Medical Choice insurance cost?
    The cost of the Travel Medical Choice insurance will vary depending on the age of the traveler, the type of coverage, the travel destination and the duration of travel. Typically, visitors travel insurance policies cost can start even as low as $1 per day, but will be much higher for older travelers.

    How to use Travel Medical Choice while receiving treatment?
    When you visit a medical provider, explain to them that you have Travel Medical Choice insurance. Show them your ID card and ask them to call Seven Corners Assist if they wish to verify benefits and eligibility. Some providers may agree to bill Seven Corners directly, but they are not required to do so.


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Review travel medical insurance - Blogs and articles

Atlas America travel insurance reviews

The Atlas travel insurance products are available for both US Citizens and Non–US citizens. Travelers can get a quote among the various options they offer according to the travel requirements.

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Travel Medical Choice insurance reviews

The Travel Medical insurance is available for non U.S. Residents & Citizens while traveling outside Home Country. Travelers can get a quote among the various options they offer according to the travel requirements.

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Which are the best travel insurance companies in USA?

You can find reliable US insurance providers like International Medical Group(IMG), Seven Corners, WorldTrips, Global Underwriters, Travel Insure, GeoBlue, HTH Worldwide and INF insurance.

Which are the best visitors insurance companies in USA?

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