Visitor Health insurance for P Visa holders

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P Visa health insurance

01. What is P Visa insurance?

P Visa insurance is visitor health insurance coverage designed for individuals holding P Visas. P Visas are non-immigrant visas issued to athletes, artists, entertainers, and their support staff who are coming to the United States for a specific event or performance. P Visa insurance provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses during their stay in the United States.

02. Why do P Visa holders need insurance?

US healthcare is very expensive and P Visa holders need insurance to ensure they have access to quality healthcare services and financial protection in case of medical emergencies or illnesses during their stay in the US. Regular health insurance from their home country may not provide coverage in the United States, So P Visa insurance is necessary to fill that gap.

03. What does P Visa insurance cover?

The coverage provided by P Visa insurance may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. However, typical coverage includes hospitalization, doctor visits, prescription medications, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, and sometimes dental and vision care. Some policies may also offer coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Visitor Health insurance for P Visa holders

P Visa – Eligibility and classification

According to the US Citizenship and Immigration services, the P-1 Visa is issued to athletes coming to the US temporarily to perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete, individually or as part of a group or team, at an internationally recognized level of performance. Along with Athletes this visa is also granted to artists and entertainers, and their spouses and children.

The P Visa USA is classified as follows

  • P-1 applies to individual or team athletes, or members of an entertainment group (P-1B) that are internationally recognized.
  • P-2 applies to artists or entertainers who will perform under a reciprocal exchange program.
  • P-3 applies to artists or entertainers who perform under a program that is culturally unique.
  • P-4 is for the spouse, or child under the age of 21, of a P-1, P-2, or P-3 alien and who is accompanying, or following to join, the alien.

Insurance for Sports injuries

P1 visa holders while participating in sporting activities can incur injuries. It is advisable to buy an insurance that covers injuries resulting from sports activities. Here we provide US health insurance for P1 visa covering athletic sports as well as adventures sports.

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What does P Visa insurance cover?

Health care expenses

Covers hospital expenses for sickness or accidents.

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Doctor visit

Insures Doctor visits for sudden injury or sickness.

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Pharmacy drugs

Doctor prescribed eligible pharmacy drugs expenses.

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Pre-existing conditions

Some plans insure acute onset of pre-existing conditions.
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Medical evacuation

Medical evacuation expenses to nearest facility included.
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Repat of remains

Repatriation of remains to home country included.

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Testimonials - From Our Customers

"I had a no-problem trip but Seven corners was easy to deal with in the securing of the travel insurance and dealing with a few issues prior to departure."


"I have always gotten a quick response with a live person. I placed a claim, we will see it their payment to me is as good as their customer service is."


"Good policy options and pricing. Like to purchase high coverage for medical without covering full cost of trips - like the options Seven Corners provides."


P Visa USA health insurance - FAQs

01. Can P Visa holders choose their own healthcare providers?

P Visa insurance typically allows individuals to choose their own healthcare providers. However, it is important to check with the insurance provider regarding their network of preferred providers and any restrictions or requirements for seeking medical treatment.

02. How much does P Visa insurance cost?

The cost of P Visa insurance vary depending on factors such as the age of the insured, coverage limits, deductible amounts, and any additional benefits or riders chosen. It is recommended to compare plans on American Visitor Insurance to obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare prices and coverage options.

03. How long can P Visa holders be covered by insurance?

The duration of coverage for P Visa holders under insurance policies can vary. Most policies provide coverage for a specific period, such as the duration of the visa or the length of the event or performance.

04. Can P Visa holders extend their insurance coverage if needed?

Some insurance policies for P Visa holders may allow extensions or renewals if needed. However, it is important to review the terms and conditions of the policy and contact the insurance provider to inquire about extension options and any associated fees or requirements.

05. How can P Visa holders purchase insurance?

P Visa holders can purchase insurance for themselves and their dependents on American Visitor Insurance where they can research and compare different insurance options to find a policy that best suits their needs and budget.

06. Are there any specific requirements or documents needed to purchase P Visa insurance?

The requirements and documents needed to purchase P Visa insurance may vary depending on the insurance provider. Generally, applicants need to provide basic personal information on American Visitor Insurance to get quotes for the popular US insurance providers which can be bought online.

Best travel insurance for USA

Compare and buy the best visitor health insurance plans. The best visitors insurance for USA plans that we display are specially designed to match the needs of international travelers.

Best health insurance for visitors to USA

    • Available for US citizens visiting USA
    • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions till maximum limit (up to 70 years).
    • Plan is suitable for Green Card holders as long as they reside outside the US.
    • This plan is available for Non-US citizens traveling outside their home country
    • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions till maximum limit (up to 79 years).
    • Covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to policy maximum.
    • This plan is available for non U.S. residents and non U.S. citizens, traveling to the USA or USA and then other countries.
    • This plan is available for green card holders.
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • Best comprehensive plan that covers all pre-existing conditions up to 99 years.
    • There is a minimum purchase of 90 days required to buy this plan
    • INF Safe Traveler USA 90 covers 90% of elgibile medical expenses
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • Covers Preventive & maintenance care and coverage for full body physicals.
    • Comprehensive plan with full pre existing condition coverage up to 99 years which is unique.
    • The plan is available for individuals traveling outside their country of residence and traveling to the US, Mexico, or Canada.
    • This plan covers pre existing conditions for age 69 and below up to $25,000 and for ages 70 and above it covers up to $20,000 with deductible up to $1,500.
    • This plan is for Non Us citizens and Non US residents visiting the US.
    • This plan have 24 months waiting period for pre-existing conditions.
    • Covers treatment of acute onset of pre-existing conditions (up to 79 years)
    • For the acute onset of pre-existing condition coverage, there is a waiting period of 7 days anf for age range of 14 days to 69 years, $50,000 coverage is available and for age range of 70 to 79 years, $5000 coverage is available.
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • Best comprehensive plan that covers all pre-existing conditions up to 99 years.
    • Covers 90% of eligible medical expenses.
    • There is a minimum purchase of 90 days required to buy this plan
    • INF Safe Traveler USA covers 80% of elgibile medical expenses
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • Optional pre-existing conditions rider offers coverage for Stroke or Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) for travelers of any age.
    • It offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to 70 years.
    • Plan can be renewed up to 364 days.
    • It offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to 89 years.
    • Available for Non US citizens coming to the US and worldwide.
    • This plan is available for green card holders.
    • Covers preventive & maintenance care
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • This plan covers Full pre-existing conditions up to 69 years.
    • Offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to 79 years.
    • Renewable up to 364 days
    • This plan is available for for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • Minimum Enrolment should be 30 days.
    • Acute Onset treated like New Sickness
    • This plan is available for Non-US Citizens & anyone visiting USA, Canada, Mexico and traveling worldwide outside their home country.
    • This plan covers Full pre-existing conditions up to 99 years.

Visitor visa health insurance USA

Resourceful Health Insurance for P Visa medical insurance

P Visa holder insurance resources

International travel insurance resources for P Visa Holders while in the US.

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Factors for P Visa holder insurance

Important factors to consider while buying P Visa medical insurance.

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Types of P Visa insurance options

Different US P Visa insurance, fixed benefits vs comprehensive coverage.

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P Visa insurance claims procedure

P Visa holder insurance claims process for medical care in hospital.

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How does travel insurance work?

Claims process for expenses due to injury or sickness.

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How to buy travel insurance?

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Travel insurance glossary

Commonly used international travel medical insurance terms.

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Travel insurance for specific groups

Tourists, Cruises, Students, J1 visa, OPT status, Immigrants.
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