
Visitor Insurance for Seniors

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US visitor insurance for senior citizens

No matter what your age, American Visitor Insurance has some medical best international medical insurance options for you! However, at certain age brackets the options do become more limited which is why I have put this article together.

For traveler's in their 60's

There are still many insurance options available for travelers over 60 years with up to $1,000,000 policy maximums. In this group, you can also get fairly good coverage for sudden and acute onset of pre-existing conditions with some plans.

Atlas America offers limited benefit up to the medical coverage maximum (excludes chronic and congenital conditions). The Inbound USA covers sudden and unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition in the same, limited way as any other condition (it is a fixed plan).

Patriot America Plus offers up to plan maximum for pre-existing conditions up to 70 years. Patriot Platinum offer pre-existing condition coverage up to $50,000 for non-US citizens under 65. INF Elite Plan is a comprehensive plan and is the plan with excellent coverage. This plan covers all pre existing conditions including blood tess, doctor appointments, specialist care...for US and NON US citizens coming to the US.

This plan provides a maximum of $25,000 for pre existing conditions up to age 69 subjected to a deductible of $1,500. This plan need to be purchased for a minimum of 3 months. INF Traveler USA Plan is another comprehensive plan from INF and unique feature of this plan is that it covers Urinary Tract Infections which is common among older travelers. This plan provides a policy max option of $75,000 and $150,000 with a deductible of $500. It does not cover pre existing conditions.

For traveler's in their 70's

Visitor insurance for persons in their 70's include most policies that offer maximums of $50,000, although a few (Patriot Platinum, Diplomat America) offer up to $100,000 maximum policies. The only coverage for pre-existing conditions is now very limited, mostly to heart attack and stroke up to usually $2,500 (Visitor's Care).

The Patriot plan (Patriot Platinum) offer up to $2,500 of coverage for pre-existing conditions with no specific limitation to illness. INF Elite Plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan. INF Traveler USA Plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99. This plan covers Urinary Tract infection for older travelers above 70 years.

In this age group, we still recommend a comprehensive plan since they provide more complete coverage. You can bring down the cost of these plans by opting for a high deductible ($1000 or $2500) and still protect yourself against a large medical bill.

For traveler's in their 80's

Once a person hits their 80s and higher (and still traveling -- way to go!), my advice is quite different. In this age group, Inbound USA offers fixed benefit coverage. INF Elite Plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan.

INF Traveler USA Plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99.This plan covers Urinary Tract infection for older travelers above 70 years. This plan does not cover pre existing conditions including acute onset of pre existing conditions.

Some clients worry about the name of this policy. While it is meant for immigrants to the US with or without green cards renewable up to 5 years, it is also available for any legal visitors to our lovely country. You can review all travel insurance plans suitable for travelers aged above 80 years.

All plans we offer have emergency medical evacuation and repatriation no matter the type or maximum. The main question to decide upon is what you want to insure yourself against. Some customers are worried about the small, but more likely expenses like seasonal flu, stomach issues, etc that are common for travelers. Fixed plans will cover these sorts of things fairly well although they may never cover 100% of your expenses. If, on the other hand, you want to insure yourself against a major catastrophic medical bill, then for those under 80, a comprehensive plan with a high deductible is what I would recommend.

Best travel insurance for over 90 year travelers

Traveling as one gets older is admirable, but it must be understood that the risk of an unexpected medical emergency increases and even a minor injury or illness can lead to hospitalization. While traveling in a foreign country, especially in the US or Europe, given the high cost of healthcare, travel insurance for seniors over 90 years is extremely important and can protect senior travelers from huge financial loss in the event of an medical emergency.

Visitors insurance even for 90+ year old senior travelers is available with suitable benefits. Compare these US travel health insurance over 90 years seniors offered by reputed US insurance companies. Travelers can get quotes and buy travel health insurance for seniors over 90 years.

Travel health insurance for older US travelers (65+ years)

The GlobeHopper Senior plan is available either as the GlobeHopper Single-Trip Plan for single trips with coverage from 5 days to 365 days, or as the GlobeHopper Multi-Trip Plan which covers a period of 12 months with a maximum of 30 days for each overseas trip. The GlobeHopper Senior plan is very popular as it provides coverage up to $1 million for travelers less than 79 years and $100,000 for travelers more than 80 years old. The plan includes $2,500 cover for sudden unexpected recurrence of an existing medical ailment and $25,000 for emergency medical evacuation.

What does visitor travel insurance cover?

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INF travelers insurance for Seniors - Pre-existing conditions FAQ's

01. Is Asthma a pre-existing condition for INF travel insurance?

If the Asthma condition has been stable for 12 months, it is NOT pre-existing in INF Elite or Premier. If it has been unstable (treatment required) in past 12 months- it IS pre-existing, and covered as a pre-existing condition.

02. Is Asthma covered in INF travel insurance?

Yes – INF travel insurance will cover the worsening of the condition, but not maintenance or preventive care.

03. Do I need to declare mild asthma for travel insurance?


04. Is Arthritis a pre-existing condition for travel insurance?

If the Arthritis condition has been stable for 12 months, it is NOT pre-existing in INF Elite or Premier. If it has been unstable (treatment required) in past 12 months- it IS pre-existing, and covered as a pre-existing condition.

05. Do I have to declare rheumatoid arthritis on travel insurance?


06. Does INF travel insurance covers arthritis?

Yes – INF US travel insurance will cover the worsening of the condition, but not maintenance or preventive care.

07. Is Diabetes considered pre-existing condition?

If the Diabetes has been stable for 12 months (no change in Medication / sickness related to diabetes), it is NOT pre-existing in INF Elite or Premier. If it has been unstable (treatment required) in past 12 months- it IS pre-existing, and covered as a pre-existing condition.

08. Is diabetes covered under INF travel insurance?

Yes - INF US visitor insurance will cover the worsening of the condition, but not maintenance or preventive care.

09. Do we have to declare pre diabetes on travel insurance?


10. Does INF travel insurance cover heart attacks?

Yes- INF travel insurance for USA will cover a heart attack either as a new sickness or pre-existing condition, depending on how stable to insured’s condition was in the past 12 months.

11. Which INF travel insurance covers heart conditions?

Yes - INF visitors insurance for USA will cover the worsening of the condition, but not maintenance or preventive care.

12. Can a Green Card holder buy INF plans?

Yes, Green Card holders are eligible to enroll in the INF Plans as long as they maintain a residence outside the US.

13. Can I purchase the INF Premier or Elite plan if I am already abroad?

Yes, people who are already in the US, can buy the INF plans, but they must get prior permission to apply for INF plans. To do this, they must submit the following forms:

  • Latest I -94
  • Health attestation form
  • Any prior health insurance information (if applicable)

The I-94 form is a government doc that can be filled out on line, they should choose “Get most Recent” on the website here: and you should complete this “health attestation form”.

14. Can I purchase INF travel medical insurance if I already have pre-existing conditions?

Yes, you can purchase INF travel medical insurance even if you have pre-existing conditions. INF offers Premier, Elite, Elite Plus and Elite 90 plans that provide coverage for pre-existing conditions. However, coverage for pre-existing conditions may have some limitations and exclusions depending on the plan and your specific condition. It is important to carefully review the policy details and ensure that the coverage meets your specific needs.

15. What is INF travel medical insurance for pre-existing conditions?

INF travel medical insurance for pre-existing conditions is a type of travel insurance that provides coverage for individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions. These conditions can include chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, or any other condition that requires regular medical treatment or attention.

The INF insurance plans are designed to provide coverage for medical emergencies and unexpected medical events that may occur while traveling. The plans include benefits such as hospitalization, doctor visits, prescription medication, emergency medical evacuation, and more.

INF offers several insurance plans for travelers with pre-existing conditions, including the INF Premier, INF Elite, INF Elite Plus and INF Elite 90. These plans have varying levels of coverage and benefits, so it is important to review each plan carefully to determine which one best fits your specific needs.

16. What is the advantage of having the United Healthcare PPO in visitors insurance offered by INF?

The INF plans use the United Healthcare Preferred Provider Organisation (PPO). This means that even if the pre-existing coverage limit is low, customers will still be able to access the full PPO discounts via United Health Care (UHC).

For example : A customer has to go to the Emergency Room (ER) for blood pressure and get a bill of $10,000 and the customer has the INF HOP UltraPlus plan. Although the UltraPlus covers $700 for pre-existing, the customer will get the PPO discount on the bill since it is covered. This in itself can translate to very significant savings such as an 80% discount + $700 paid out. This means your total coverage was $8,700 and out of pocket expense is only $1,300.

Consejos sobre seguros de viaje para viajeros con condiciones preexistentes

Aquí hay algunos consejos sobre seguros de viaje para viajeros con condiciones preexistentes:

  1. Escoge un plan de seguro médico de viaje que cubre condiciones preexistentes.
  2. Lea la póliza detenidamente para comprender qué está cubierto y qué no.
  3. Tenga en cuenta los períodos de espera para la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes.
  4. Considere comprar una póliza de seguro para visitantes con límites de cobertura más altos.
  5. Lleve consigo una copia de sus registros médicos y una lista de medicamentos cuando viaje.
  6. Asegúrese de llevar consigo su receta médica y medicamentos durante su viaje.
  7. Sepa cómo acceder a la atención médica en su destino.
  8. Comuníquese con su proveedor de seguros para visitantes de inmediato en caso de cualquier emergencia médica.
  9. Revelar todas las condiciones preexistentes al comprar un seguro médico para visitantes.
  10. Siga todos los procedimientos necesarios para presentar una reclamación de reembolso de gastos médicos.

¿Cuáles son las opciones de seguro de viaje INF para condiciones preexistentes?

Hay varios planes de seguro de viaje de EEUUdisponibles para viajes internacionales, sin embargo, la mayoría de estos planes de seguro de viaje excluyen condiciones preexistentes. Esto significa que un plan de seguro de viaje no cubrirá los costos del tratamiento de una condición médica preexistente. Por lo tanto, la compañía de seguros puede rechazar un reclamo si la dolencia ya existía cuando se compró el seguro de viaje.

INF es el único proveedor de seguros de EEUUque ofrece a los visitantes cobertura de seguro de viaje para condiciones preexistentes sin limitarlo al inicio agudo de una condición preexistente. El INF Elite Los planes de seguro cubren condiciones preexistentes hasta un límite de condiciones preexistentes claramente definido que es diferente del máximo de la póliza. Es muy importante comparar los diferentes seguros de viaje para la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes por el precio y los detalles de la cobertura antes de comprar el seguro de viaje de EEUU.

¿Por qué es importante el seguro médico de viaje para la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes?

Hay muchos viajeros internacionales que tienen dolencias médicas y es importante que estén bien informados sobre el seguro de visitantes para condiciones preexistentes. Muchos de los planes de seguro de viaje regulares excluyen cualquier cobertura para condiciones preexistentes. La definición de condiciones preexistentes varía para los diferentes proveedores de seguros, ya que tienen un período de "retrospectiva" y cualquier dolencia médica durante este período de revisión se consideraría preexistente.

En American Visitor Insurance, ofrecemos planes que ofrecen cobertura para el inicio agudo de una condición preexistente, así como cobertura completa para condiciones preexistentes hasta un límite claramente definido en el documento de la póliza. Todos estos detalles se pueden comprender mejor utilizando nuestras instalaciones para comparar el seguro de visitantes para condiciones preexistentes.

¿Cómo funciona el seguro de viaje para condiciones preexistentes?

Los planes de seguro médico de viaje que cubren condiciones preexistentes tienen definiciones claras de lo que es una condición preexistente, el período retrospectivo para la condición preexistente, si la cobertura del seguro de viaje se limita a la aparición aguda de condiciones preexistentes y si proporciona cobertura completa para condiciones preexistentes, el límite de cobertura dentro de la póliza para condiciones preexistentes. Cualquier cobertura de seguro médico de viaje para condiciones preexistentes dependerá de todos estos factores.

¿Cuáles son los factores a considerar al comprar un seguro de salud para visitantes para condiciones preexistentes?

Los siguientes son los factores importantes a considerar al comprar un seguro de viaje para condiciones preexistentes

  1. La definición de condiciones preexistentes y el período retrospectivo de la póliza.
  2. El límite de edad de elegibilidad para la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes.
  3. Si la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes se limita a la aparición aguda de condiciones preexistentes.
  4. El límite de cobertura para condiciones preexistentes que es diferente del máximo médico de la póliza.
  5. El deducible y los gastos de bolsillo para la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes.

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International travel medical insurance for Seniors

Travel insurance for elderly to USA, Senior travel Insurance USA – Popular plans

Best travel insurance for seniors over 60, Travel insurance for elderly to USA

Older travel medical insurance for 60 years

WorldTrips gives the best plans with extremely good coverage.
The best travel health insurance for 60 year old travelling to the US is Atlas America.With the best travel insurance plans for people under 70 years, you get covered up to policy maximum for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for people up to age 79.
Atlas Premium is another version of this plan with higher coverage available for some of the benefits as compared to Atlas America. You can compare Atlas Travel insurance plans.
seven corners
Seven Corners gives the best plans with extremely good coverage.
Travel Medical Basic offers coverage up to $5,000 for acute onset of pre-existing conditions in worldwide including the United States and $25,000 for worldwide excluding the United States up to 64 years.
Travel Medical Plus Travelers must be at least 14 days old and under 75 years to be covered by this plan. You may buy coverage for yourself, your legal spouse, domestic partner, or civil partner, your unmarried children under the age of 19, and your traveling companions.
The Inbound Plans (Inbound USA Basic, Inbound USA Choice) cover acute onset of pre-existing conditions for people up to age 79 years (it is a fixed plan).
International Medical Group gives the best plans with extremely good coverage.
Patriot America Plus Plan offer coverage upto choosen plan maximum for travelers under 70 years. This is a comprehensive plan from IMG and is is similar to the Patriot America with the unique difference in the benefit that covers acute onset of pre existing conditions up to the age of 70
Patriot Platinum offer pre-existing condition coverage up to $50,000 for non-US citizens under 65 years. Plan covers acute onset of pre existing condition up to the age of 70 for up to $1,000,000.
INF Travel Insurance gives the best plans with extremely good coverage for older travelers especially for the pre existing conditions.
There are fixed benefit and comprehensive health insurance for non us citizens over 65 years options available. However, comprehensive plans are recommended due to their benefit coverage flexibility.
This is a comprehensive plan and is the plan with excellent coverage. This plan covers all pre existing conditions including blood tess, doctor appointments, specialist care...for US and NON US citizens coming to the US, which is unheard of, when it comes to visitor insurance plans.

This plan provides a maximum of $25,000 for pre existing conditions up to age 69 subjected to a deductible of $1,500. This plan need to be purchased for a minimum of 3 months.

This plan Provides a policy max option of $150,000; $250,000; $300,000 with a deductibles are $50; $100; $250; $500; $1,000; $2,500; $5,000.This plan differs from the other INF comprehensive plans where it does not cover pre existing conditions.

Best travel insurance for seniors over 70, Health insurance for elderly visitors

Older traveler medical insurance for above 70 years

Safe Travels USA Comprehensive is a very popular option for coverage of acute onset of pre-existing condition for people above 70. Seniors travel insurance plan provides a coverage of $25,000 for acute onset of pre- existing condition and for heart related diseases a maximum of $15,000 upon attaining age 70. For the age of 65 and above this plan however provides a policy maximum of $50,000 only.

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Atlas America plans from WorldTrips have upgraded their benefits for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to age 80. There is also a higher policy maximum option available for people above 70 up to the age of 79.

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Atlas Premium plans from WorldTrips have upgraded their benefits for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to age 80. There is also a higher policy maximum option available for people above 70 up to the age of 79.

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The highest maximum that can be purchased for a comprehensive plan is Patriot Platinum which offers pre-existing condition coverage up to $2,500 for any condition. In the $50,000 range there are many fixed benefit and comprehensive plan options available. However, comprehensive plans are recommended due to their benefit coverage flexibility.

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Travel Medical Plus Travelers must be at least 14 days old and under 75 years to be covered by this plan. You may buy coverage for yourself, your legal spouse, domestic partner, or civil partner, your unmarried children under the age of 19, and your traveling companions.

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Visitors Care which offer limited coverage of $2,500. Visitors care insurance offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions with sublimits up to chosen plan maximum.

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Travel Medical Choice also will cover up to $3,000 for hospital stay for heart attack or stroke with a maximum of $60,000. If pre-existing coverage is not important there are still many more options available.

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INF Elite Plan This plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan.

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INF Traveler USA Plan This plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99.This plan covers Urinary Tract infection for older travelers above 70 years. This plan does not cover pre existing conditions including acute onset of pre existing conditions.

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Best travel insurance for seniors over 80, Medical insurance for senior visitors

Older traveler medical insurance for above 80 years

In this age group, I recommend a plan called Inbound USA Basic insurance and Inbound USA Choice insurance with a higher deductible and up to $100,000 maximum.
Unfortunately, the comprehensive visitors insurance for over 80 years are only for $20,000 and $10,000 maximum and I don’t think the high price tag is justified since the maximum coverage is so low (a broken bone in the hospital for three days can easily run you $40,000).

While Inbound Choice Insurance is meant for immigrants to the US with or without green cards renewable up to 3 years, it is also available for any legal visitors to our lovely country. Senior Travelers above 90 years are also eligible to buy the Inbound USA Basic and Inbound USA Choice insurance.

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The Safe Travels USA Comprehensive is also very useful for this age group as it provides a policy maximum of $50,000 and provides coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for $25,000 and $15,000 for heart related pre-existing condition. Compare and buy best travel insurance for seniors over 80.

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Non-US citizens and Non-US residents traveling outside their home country but not to the United States. This includes emergency medical evacuation, repatriation and security evacuation benefits. It is ideal for foreign residents visiting USA and then other countries worldwide. Travelers on transit visa in US can also purchase this plan.

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This Policy provides coverage to non-US citizens who reside outside the USA and are traveling outside of their Home Country to visit solely the United States, or to visit a combination of the United States and other countries worldwide. This Policy is not available to green card holders in the USA. This Policy is not available to anyone age 90 or above.

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This plan is available for people traveling to the USA and are not US Citizens, US Residents or Greencard Holders. It is available for travelers of ages 70 to 89 years.

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INF Elite Plan This plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan. Compare and buy travel insurance over 80 years old USA.

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INF Traveler USA plan This plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99. This plan covers Urinary Tract infection for older travelers above 80 years. This plan does not cover pre existing conditions including acute onset of pre existing conditions.

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This fixed plan from INF provides full pre existing condition coverage which includes doctor appointments, blood tests, specialty care, urgent care visits and hospital stays. For age 70 to 99 years for policy maximum $100,000 covers pre-existing condition maximum of $15,000/$25,000 with deductible $1,000/$5,000.

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Best travel insurance for seniors over 90, Medical insurance for senior visitors

Older traveler medical insurance for above 90 years

In this age group, I recommend a plan called Inbound USA Basic insurance and Inbound USA Choice insurance with a higher deductible and up to $100,000 maximum.
Unfortunately, the comprehensive visitors insurance for over 80 years are only for $20,000 and $10,000 maximum and I don’t think the high price tag is justified since the maximum coverage is so low (a broken bone in the hospital for three days can easily run you $40,000).

While Inbound Choice Insurance is meant for immigrants to the US with or without green cards renewable up to 3 years, it is also available for any legal visitors to our lovely country. Senior Travelers above 90 years are also eligible to buy the Inbound USA Basic and Inbound USA Choice insurance.

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INF Elite Plan This plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan. Compare and buy travel insurance over 90 years old USA.

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INF Traveler USA plan This plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99. This plan covers Urinary Tract infection for older travelers above 90 years. This plan does not cover pre existing conditions including acute onset of pre existing conditions.

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This fixed plan from INF provides full pre existing condition coverage which includes doctor appointments, blood tests, specialty care, urgent care visits and hospital stays. For age 70 to 99 years for policy maximum $100,000 covers pre-existing condition maximum of $15,000/$25,000 with deductible $1,000/$5,000.

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INF Elite 90 Plan This plan provides a maximum of $20,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99 for coverage of pre existing conditions. This plan is definitely the most suitable for people with pre existing condition as it is the full pre existing coverage plan. Compare and buy travel insurance over 80 years old USA. It covers 90% of eligible medical expenses

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INF Traveler USA 90 plan This plan provides a policy maximum of $75,000 for people over 70 up to the age of 99. This plan Covers eligible accident & sickness (excluding pre-existing conditions) while traveling to USA, Canada, and Mexico.This plan does not cover pre existing conditions including acute onset of pre existing conditions.

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Travel insurance for Senior Citizens - FAQ's

What travel insurance is best for seniors?

We try to provide the best travel insurance for seniors options given their unique requirements. The plans available differ based on the age of the traveler and the any unique requirement for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for senior traveler. We have made a list of good travel insurance options for older travelers.

How can senior citizens save money on travel insurance?

Senior citizen travelers can use our user friendly compare travel insurance tool to find the best 60+ older traveler insurance offered by top US rated insurance providers. This comparison tool helps travelers compare prices of all the plans along with the coverage benefits.

There are different factors to consider while buying travel insurance . There are 2 types of insurance plans namely fixed benefits and comprehensive benefit insurance plans. Fixed benefit plans are affordable but offer scheduled benefits and suitable for travelers requiring limited coverage. Comprehensive plans are expensive but offer extensive coverage and these plans are ideal for senior travelers who need coverage for all the expenses.

These plans also have a wide range of deductibles which is the initial amount the travelers needs to pay before the insurance start paying. Plans with higher deductibles are cheaper than plans with lower deductibles.Apart from the above factors, few travel insurance plans offer additional coverage for Acute onset of Pre-existing conditions.

By doing a good research and keeping these travel insurance coverage features in mind, senior travelers can save money on the best travel medical insurance years as per their requirements. Please know we are here to help you make the best, informed decision! Let us know how we can assist you. Feel free to contact us by email or phone at any time.

What is the best travel insurance for over 75 with medical conditions?

There are some good travel insurance who offer pre-existing condition insurance plan for seniors over 75 years. We have these exciting options with an exceptionally high maximum (for this age group of 75-79 years) amount.

INF Elite Plan

INF Elite Plan: Is a comprehensive plan Full pre existing coverage available with a maximum of $20,000 for age 75 years and over with a pre existing deductible of $1,500. The plan must be purchased for at least 3 months.(Please note that the pre existing deductible is apart from the deductible chosen on the plan).

INF Premier Plan

INF Premier Plan: Is a fixed benefit plan Full pre existing coverage available with a maximum are covered up to $15,000/$25,000 for age 75 years and above with a pre existing deductible of $1000/$5000.(Please note that the pre existing deductible is apart from the deductible chosen on the plan).

Atlas America Insurance

Atlas America Insurance: Atlas America Insurance is a comprehensive plan offers maximums of $50,000 and $100,000; deductibles of $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000; and acute onset of pre-existing coverage up to plan maximum.

Safe Travels USA Comprehensive

Safe Travels USA Comprehensive: Is a comprehensive plan offers maximums of $50,000 or $100,000; deductibles of $0, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000; and acute onset of pre-existing coverage up to $35,000 and only $15,000 for cardiac disease.

Covid19 travel insurance for international travelers

While travelling in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, one must ensure that they have the right travel health insurance with proper Covid19 coverage. At America visitor insurance travelers can get visitors insurance for Covid -19 illness.

We offer a range of options for visitors where they can compare using our Visitors insurance for Covid19 comparison tool based on the factors like the travelers age, duration of travel, the maximum coverage required, deductible and the need for pre-existing conditions or for covid coverage.

Travelers can narrow down their search further by applying the “filter” option for Covid19 available in the tool. Please know we are here to help you make the best, informed decision to get coverage even for COVID19! Let us know how we can assist you. Feel free to contact us by email or phone at any time.

Which are the best travel insurance companies in USA?

You can find reliable US insurance providers like International Medical Group(IMG), Seven Corners, WorldTrips, Global Underwriters, Travel Insure, GeoBlue, HTH Worldwide and INF insurance.

Which are the best visitors insurance companies in USA?

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