For elite luxury travelers taking expensive vacations and adventure trips to exotic locations worldwide.
iTravelInsured Travel LX is a travel protection plan with highest levels of benefits of all iTravelInsured plans for elite discerning travelers. Cancel For any reason and Interruption for Any Reason (CFAR/IFAR) can be purchased as an optional upgrade at an additional cost. (This is not available in NY). This plan provides coverage for many adventure activities and is ideal for travelers going to remote locations worldwide.
With iTravelInsured Travel LX you can recover non-refundable, unused payments and deposits when a trip is cancelled or interrupted for a variety of covered reasons. Benefits are also provided for travel delays, baggage delays, and emergency medical treatment while you’re away from home.
iTravelInsured LX cost starts from $835 to $30,362 for 15 days trip duration. The cost is based on the age of travelers, trip cost and trip duration.
iTravelInsured Travel LX offers trip cost coverage up to $150,000.
For example here we are showing iTravelInsured Travel LX cost for 15 days duration of trip
Age of traveler | Trip cost $10,000 | Trip cost $20,000 | Trip cost $50,000 | Trip cost $100,000 |
0 – 39 years | $835 | $2,626 | $6,562 | $13,122 |
40 – 49 years | $957 | $2,932 | $7,327 | $14,652 |
50 – 59 years | $1,101 | $3,224 | $8,057 | $16,112 |
60 – 69 years | $1,356 | $3,734 | $9,332 | $18,662 |
70 -74 years | $1,547 | $4,168 | $10,417 | $20,832 |
75 – 79 years | $1,959 | $5,172 | $12,927 | $25, 852 |
80 – 99 years | $2,344 | $6,0748 | $15,182 | $30,362 |
Source: AmericanVisitorInsurance®
After buying the Itravel insured LX trip protection insurance we get 24/7 access to IMG world class customer service while on your trip, including the following emergency travel assistance services designed to give global peace of mind.
Trip Cancellation help | Up to 100% of the non-refundable insured trip cost |
Trip Interruption help | 150% of trip cost |
Optional Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)** help | 75% of non-refundable insured trip cost |
Optional Trip Interruption For Any Reason (IFAR)** help | 75% of non-refundable insured trip cost |
Travel Delay help | Up to $250 per day per person($2.5k max per person) |
Change Fee help | Up to $300 per person |
Frequent Traveler Reward | Up to $75 per person |
Rental Car Damage and Theft Coverage help | Up to $40k per covered vehicle |
Missed Trip Connection help | Up to $125 per day($500 max per person) |
Traveling Companion Bedside Companion Daily Benefit | Up to $200 per day($1k max per person) |
Pet Kennel | $100 per day ($500 max per pet) |
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Benefit help | Up to $1M per person |
Return Transportation | Included |
Transportation of Children/Child | Included |
Bedside Visit Transportation to Join You | Included |
Hospital of Choice | Included |
Search and Rescue | Up to $10k per person |
Political or Security Evacuation and Natural Disaster Evacaution | $50k |
Common Carrier Accidental Death help | $100k |
Exposure | Included |
Disappearance | Included |
Accident & Sickness Medical and Dental Expense help | Up to $500k per person |
Dental Expense Sublimit | $1k per trip |
Coverage Type | Primary |
**These (CFER/IFAR) benefits can only be purchased at the time the base plan is purchased. These beefits are bundled together and cannot be purchased separately. Not available to NY residents.
American travel insurance coverage for theft gear often include coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings, which can include gear such as cameras, laptops, sports equipment, and other valuables. At American Visitor Insurance best travel insurance coverage for theft gear is offered by popular comprehensive plans from top rated insurance providers.
The trip cancellation insurance coverage starts on the day following the purchase of the policy. The trip cancellation insurance plan will cover the traveler for factors such as trip cancellation even before the departure date of the trip.
Yes, one can cancel the IMG plan if there is no claim on the policy and if the traveler :
The trip costs will include all non-refundable expenses such as the airline ticket costs, cruise expenses, hotel booking costs. In the event of an unplanned cancellation of the trip, these expenses which would otherwise be lost will be covered by the IMG trip cancellation plans.
No, the IMG plans are not renewable.
Trip cancellation coverage is available if the entire trip is cancelled even before the start of the trip (this is even before the trip start date). Trip interruption coverage is applicable only after the start of the trip. Trip interruption comes is applicable if the trip is cancelled for a valid covered reason (unless you have the Travel LX plan which covers CFAR), after the start of the trip and here the insured traveler has to return to his/her home country.
You compare the coverage differences between the three IMG plans IMG travel insurance Comparision
There isn’t a specific “accommodation” benefit, but benefits could apply under IMG travel Insurance’s Travel Delay benefit. Travel delay would reimburse up to the per day, per person policy limit (varies between plans) for additional meals, accommodations, and local transportation expenses. A requirement to quarantine is a covered event under each of these benefits. In addition, if medical treatment is sought due to symptoms, the medical expense benefit would apply as well. Benefits would apply to an insured traveler OR a travel companion.
A pre-existing condition waiver is a benefit offered by some trip protection insurance plans. It may provide coverage for certain pre-existing medical conditions during the trip, provided enrollment deadlines are met and the insured is not disabled from traveling when the premium is paid.
Primary coverage is a type of coverage included in the plan that allows claims to be filed directly with the travel insurance provider, eliminating the need for involvement from the traveler’s health insurance company. Primary coverage in travel insurance means your policy is the first to cover eligible expenses, such as medical costs or trip cancellations. With primary coverage, you don’t have to rely on other insurance, like health insurance or credit cards, making the claims process easier and faster.
Yes. iTravelInsured Travel LX Trip protection insurance covers optional cancel for any reason up to 75% of non-refundable trip cost(not available in NY state)
Yes. If cancelled within 10 days from the plan effective date, as long as your trip departure date has not occurred and you have not filed a claim.
The iTravelInsured LX insurance plan covers Cancel for any reason, Interruption for any reason, Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Trip Delay, Baggage Loss and Theft, Rental Car Damage, Missed Trip Connection, Pet kennel, Search and Rescue, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Repatriation of Remains, Accident and Sickness Medical and Dental Expenses, and more.
Contact our customer service team, we are here to help you!
To file a claim with iTravelInsured travel LX insurance, follow these steps:
Read the article on trip protection cover offered by IMG Travel insurance plan.
Read more »Compare and review the plans benefits of IMG Trip Cancellation insurance plans
Read more »Budget level plan for price-conscious travelers and trip cancellation.
Can be ideal for travelers going to remote and exotic locations worldwide.
It is Limited travel protection with cost effective coverage.
Offers flexible sport and adventure travel protection while away from home