Patriot America Plus vs Patriot America platinum - Compare and buy

Compare travel insurance benefits offered by Patriot America Plus and Patriot Platinum travel medical insurance plans. These two US travel insurance plans are comprehensive benefit visitor insurance plans for international travel which offer coverage for pre-existing conditions. Compare price and benefits to find the best US travel medical insurance plan for your needs.

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Patriot America Plus vs Patriot Platinum
Patriot America Plus
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Patriot Platinum
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 IMG patriot platinum plus vs Patriot America Plus benefits
Length of Coverage help 5 days to 365 days 5 days to 365 days
Coinsurance help In the PPO Network
The plan pays 100%.

Out of the PPO Network
The plan pays 90% of eligible expenses up to $500, then 100%.
In the PPO Network
IMG pays 100%

Out of the PPO Network
The plan pays 100% up to the Maximum Limit
Renewability help Yes, Up to 24 months Yes, Up to 36 months
  Medical Benefits
Hospital room and board help Average semi-private room rate up to the maximum limit. Includes nursing service Average semi-private room rate up to the maximum limit. Includes nursing service
Eligible medical expenses help Company pays 100% after deductible is met Up to the maximum limit
Surgery help Up to the maximum limit Up to the maximum limit
Intensive care unit help Up to the overall maximum limit Up to the overall maximum limit
Hospital indemnity help $250 per overnight inpatient confinement, maximum limit of 10 overnights. Not subject to deductible $250 per overnight inpatient confinement, maximum limit of 10 overnights. Not subject to deductible
 Out-Patient Medical Benefits
Physician visits help Up to the maximum limit Up to the maximum limit
Urgent Care Clinic help $25 copay. Copay is not applicable when the $0 deductible is selected. Not subject to deductible $25 copay. Copay is not applicable when the $0 deductible is selected. Not subject to deductible
Physical Therapy help Up to the maximum limit (Medical order or treatment plan required) Up to the maximum limit (Medical order or treatment plan required)
 Emergency Services
Emergency local ambulance help Up to the maximum limit Up to the maximum limit
Hospital emergency room help Outside the U.S: Up to the maximum limit
Inside the U.S: Subject to a $250 deductible for each emergency room visit for treatment that does not result in direct inpatient hospital admission. Up to the maximum limit
Outside the U.S: Up to the maximum limit
Inside the U.S: Subject to a $250 deductible for each emergency room visit for treatment that does not result in direct inpatient hospital admission. Up to the maximum limit
Emergency dental treatment help $300 maximum limit due to accident or unexpected pain to sound natural teeth $300 maximum limit due to accident or unexpected pain to sound natural teeth
Traumatic Dental Injury help Up to the maximum limit. Additional treatment for the same injury rendered by a dental provider will be paid at 100% Up to the maximum limit. Additional treatment for the same injury rendered by a dental provider will be paid at 100%
Emergency medical evacuation help Up to the maximum limit. Not subject to deductible Up to the Maximum Limit
Emergency reunion help $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Return of mortal remains or cremation/burial help Up to the maximum limit for return of mortal remains or ashes to country of residence, or $5,000 maximum limit for cremation or local burial at the place of death. Not subject to deductible Up to the maximum limit for return of mortal remains or ashes to country of residence, or $5,000 maximum limit for cremation or local burial at the place of death. Not subject to deductible
Return of minor children help $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Political evacuation and repatriation help $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $100,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Natural disaster evacuation help $25,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible (Must be approved in advance by the company) $25,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible (Must be approved in advance by the company)
Natural disaster help $250 per day and maximum limit of five days for accommodations. Not subject to deductible. $250 per day and maximum limit of five days for accommodations. Not subject to deductible.
Trip interruption help $10,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $10,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Terrorism help $50,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $50,000 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
Lost luggage help $50 per item, $500 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible $50 per item, $500 maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
 Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Condition
Acute Onset of Pre-Existing Conditions help
Patriot America Plus: Not Covered
Under 70 years of age,with varying limits by age up to $1M. $25,000 maximum limit for medical evacuation.
Under 70 years of age,with varying limits by age up to $1M. $25,000 maximum limit for medical evacuation.
AD&D help $50,000 principal sum. Not subject to deductible. $50,000 principal sum.
Common carrier AD&D help $25,000 per insured child, $100K per insured adult, $250K maximum limit per family. Not subject to deductible $25,000 per insured child, $100K per insured adult, $250K maximum limit per family. Not subject to deductible
 Other Benefits
Unique Advantages
  • Optional coverage for adventure sports with purchase of the rider.
  • Patriot America Plus Insurance is ideal for US citizens and expats residing outside and visiting USA.
  • Optional coverage for Enhanced AD&D rider.
  • Patriot America Plus: Available for green card holders as long as their primary residence is outside the US.
  • It is a comprehensive coverage plan.
  • Coverage up to $8 million. Wide range of deductibles to choose from.
  • US expats looking to visit the US can buy Patriot Platinum travel insurance. They must have resided outside US continuously for the past 6 months and must have a current health plan in force.
  • Universal RX pharmacy discount savings when pharmacy purchased with the participating pharmacies.
 Travel Insurance
Underwriter Sirius International Insurance Corporation Sirius International Insurance Corporation
Rating help "A" (Excellent) "A" (Excellent)
Brochure and Details

Patriot America Plus vs Patriot platinum insurance reviews

Travelling to the US can be a great experience but an unfortunate emergency like sudden illness or accidental injuries can ruin your holiday or trip. The health care cost for visitors to US is very high and the situation can be traumatic if the tourist is without US visitor medical insurance. There are many visitors medical insurance offered by top insurance providers and it is a big task to choose the best international travel insurance for USA. Visitor can compare US visitor insurance cost different travel insurance plan and select the one satisfying their requirements.

patriot plus vs patriot platinum insurance

Patriot Travel insurance are quite popular among international visitors to the US. They are offered by International Medical Group and have the AM Best Rating of A++ (Superior). Patriot America Plus Insurance offers plan maximum up to $2 million and is renewable upto 2 years. Patriot Platinum Insurance is ideal for high end travelers offering coverage from $2 million up to $8 million. Patriot Platinum is renewable up to 3 years.

  • Cost*
  • Coverage in USA?
  • Parents/Seniors are eligible?
  • Eligible for OPT students?
  • Covers Acute onset of Pre-existing?
  • Eligible for Green card holders?
  • Renewable and Cancellable?
  • Deductible Choice
  • A.M. Best Rating
  • Underwriter
  • Provider
  • Buy now
  • Patriot America Plus
  • $79
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes, covers up to 70 years
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • $0 to $2,500
  • "A" Excellent
  • Sirius
  • IMG
  • Buy Now
  • Patriot Platinum
  • $177
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes, covers up to 70 years
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • $0 to $25,000
  • "A" Excellent
  • Sirius
  • IMG
  • Buy Now

*IMG Patriot America Plus cost for 45 years traveler; $50,000 maximum coverage; $250 deductible.

*IMG Patriot America platinum cost for 45 years traveler; $2,000,000 maximum coverage; $250 deductible.

Patriot America Plus vs Patriot Platinum Insurance: A Quick Comparison

Patriot America Plus

  • Offers maximum coverage up to 1 million.
  • Deductible options ranges from $0 to $2,500.
  • Acute on set of pre-existing conditions covered up to 70 years.
  • Renewable for up to 2 years.
  • $50 cancellation fee after the effective date.
  • Available for Non US residents traveling to USA.
  • Adventure sports coverage is available as optional rider up to the age of 65 years.
assignmentPLAN DETAILS picture_as_pdfBROCHURE descriptionPAPER APPLICATION
  • local_hospital

    Provider Network
    United Healthcare Provider Network

  • medical_services

    Urgent Care Clinic
    Up to $300

  • ambulance

    Emergency Medical Evacuation
    Up to $1,000,000

  • pets

    Pet Return
    $1,000 maximum limit

  • shopping_cartBuy Now

Patriot Platinum

  • Offers maximum coverage options of $2,000,000, $5,000,000, $8,000,000.
  • Deductible options ranges from $0 to $25,000.
  • Covers Acute onset of pre existing condition up to the age of 70 for up to $1,000,000.
  • Coverage available from 5 days to 364 days, renewable up to 3 years.
  • $50 cancellation fee after the effective date.
  • First-class medical coverage for travelers to US and outside their home country..
  • Optional adventure sports coverage available up to 64 years.
assignmentPLAN DETAILS picture_as_pdfBROCHURE descriptionPAPER APPLICATION
  • local_hospital

    Provider Network
    United Healthcare Provider Network

  • dentistry

    Dental Treatment
    Up to $300

  • ambulance

    Emergency Medical Evacuation
    up to policy maximum

  • medical_services

    Urgent Care Clinic
    up to $25 copay.

  • shopping_cartBuy Now

How much does Patriot Platinum vs Patriot America Plus insurance cost per month?

Both Patriot America Plus and Patriot Platinum provide excellent coverage for travelers visiting the US on a short-term basis. However, it's important to compare the two plans closely to determine which one best meets your specific needs.

You can compare cost for both Patriot Platinum and Patriot America Plus plans.

Patriot America Plus

Age of traveler Medical Maximum
$50,000 $100,000
18 - 29 $47 $60
30 - 39 $58 $79
40 - 49 $77 $94
50 - 59 $128 $157
60 - 64 $164 $212
65 - 69 $173 $223
70 - 79 $287 $434

Patriot Platinum

Age of traveler Medical Maximum
$2,000,000 $5,000,000 $8,000,000
18 - 29 $103 $130 $179
30 - 39 $135 $188 $234
40 - 49 $177 $224 $298
50 - 59 $286 $366 $511
60 - 64 $339 $442 $644
65 - 69 $379
70 - 79 $561

Patriot America Plus vs Patriot Platinum Travel Insurance - FAQs

  • Patriot Travel Insurance - FAQ's

    What are the benefits of Patriot International Lite insurance?

    Patriot International Lite Health Insurance provides coverage for travelers outside their residence country whose destination excludes the US and its territories.

    Patriot International Lite insurance provides coverage for Acute on set of pre-existing conditions ,medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death and dismemberment and more. The plan can be renewable up to 2 years.

    What is the coverage area of Patriot International Lite insurance?

    Patriot International Lite provides people outside their home country whose destination excludes the United States or its territories.

    What is Patriot America Plus insurance?

    Patriot America Plus is an A- rated comprehensive Travel Medical insurance plan that provides medical coverage and other covered travel and emergency services for visitors to the U.S during their travel and temporary stay outside of their home country. The coverage duration is available from 5 days to 365 days.

    How do I purchase America Plus insurance?

    You can get the quotes and make an instant purchase of Patriot America Plus travel insurance online with a credit card on American Visitor Insurance. This can be done without the need of any paperwork or medical exam.

    Can I buy Patriot America Plus insurance after my arrival in the US?

    Yes, the Patriot America insurance can be bought after arrival in the United States. It must be bought within 30 days for travelers above 65 years. The Patriot America plus can be purchased by travelers below the age of 65 years up to 6 months after arriving in the US.

    Does Patriot America Plus Insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

    Yes Patriot America Plus insurance offers the best coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to the age of 70 years.

    How can one use Patriot America Plus visitor medical insurance in case of emergency in USA?

    Travelers can review this article on how to use Patriot America Plus visitor medical insurance in case of emergency in USA.

    I have changed my travel plans and wish to extend my trip. Is it possible to renew Patriot America Plus insurance?

    Yes Patriot America Plus Insurance is available for 364 days and can be renewed up to a maximum of 2 years. Travelers who wish to get extended coverage can renew Patriot America Plus insurance online.

    How does Patriot America Plus insurance provider offer coverage for medical expenses?

    Patriot America Plus insurance works for US visitors by offering comprehensive coverage for medical expenses only inside the US. If the US visitor or traveler seeks treatment with the provider network namely “UnitedHealthcare PPO or First Health PPO”, after the deductible amount, Patriot America Plus insurance pays 100% of the eligible expenses. If the traveler seeks treatment with a doctor or visits a hospital outside the provider network, Patriot America Plus insurance would pay 80% of eligible expenses up to $5,000, then 100% up to the maximum limit.
    For detailed working example of how it works, you can review Patriot America Plus insurance working example

    Can US citizens buy Patriot America Plus insurance?

    Patriot America Plus Insurance is available for US citizens residing outside USA and visiting USA for short term. Patriot America Lite insurance for US citizens require them to have resided outside US continuously for the past 6 months and must have a current health plan in force.

    How can one use Patriot America Lite visitor medical insurance in case of emergency in USA?

    Travelers can review this article on how to use Patriot America Lite visitor medical insurance in case of emergency in USA.

    What are the benefits of Patriot America Plus insurance?

    Patriot America Plus is a travel medical insurance plan offered by International Medical Group (IMG) that addresses the insurance needs of non-U.S. residents who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure to the United States.

    Patriot America insurance provides coverage for medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death and dismemberment and more. The plan offers a complete package of international benefits available 24 hours a day to individuals, families, and groups of five or more travelers.

    What is the coverage area of Patriot America Lite insurance?

    Patriot America Lite insurance provides coverage worldwide except in your country of citizenship.

    What are the requirements for purchasing Patriot America Plus insurance?

    To buy the Patriot America insurance, you will need the travel dates and passport details of the traveler. This will include the name of the traveler, the date of birth, the passport number and the travel dates.

    Does Patriot America Plus insurance covers Adventure sports?

    Yes. Adventure sports coverage is available as optional rider up to the age of 65 years.If you are a thrill-seeking traveler who enjoys life's more adventurous activities, you may want to consider adding supplemental coverage to your plan. The Adventure Sports Rider provides coverage for injuries sustained during certain extreme sports that would otherwise be excluded from your insurance policy.

    This plan covers any Illness or Injury sustained while taking part in activities designated as Adventure Sports, which are limited to the following: abseiling, BMX, bobsledding, bungee jumping, canyoning, caving, hot air ballooning, jungle zip lining, parachuting, paragliding, parascending, rappelling, skydiving, spelunking and windsurfing. Click here to know more »

  • Patriot Platinum Travel Insurance - FAQ's

    What is acute onset of pre-existing condition?

    Acute onset of pre-existing conditions means sudden, unexpected emergency due to a pre-existing condition that can be dangerous to life and the traveler cannot wait to get treatment in the home country but to receive treatment immediately. It should be noted that for acute onset coverage, treatment must be sought within the defined time period for the plan and chronic and congenital conditions may not be covered.

    Is IMG travel insurance legit? Is IMG a real insurance company?

    International Medical Group (IMG) has been offering travel insurance products since 1990. Based in Indianapolis, IMG has more than 300 employees and offers 25+ travel insurance products for travelers to the US as well as for US citizens traveling overseas. Their products are ideal people traveling to the United States as tourists on B1 visa, international students on F1 visa, Exchange scholars on J visa, professionals on the H1B visa as well as US travelers who are looking for trip cancellation insurance for travel insurance.

    Who is eligible for Patriot Platinum travel medical insurance

    Patriot Platinum travel medical insurance has two versions: Patriot International Platinum and Patriot Platinum America. Patriot International Platinum provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. with coverage for brief returns to the U.S., while patriot platinum america for us visitors provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country. Both plans are available for a minimum of five days up to a maximum of three years, in accordance with the terms of the certificate of insurance

    What are the benefits of Patriot Platinum insurance?

    Patriot Platinum is a comprehensive plan available for Non US citizens and US citizens living outside the US for at least 6 months in a year visiting the US.US citizens/Expats living outside USA and visiting USA can buy Patriot Platinum Insurance. It provides coverage for Acute on set of pre-existing conditions ,medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death and dismemberment and more.

    How much does Patriot Platinum cost?

    The cost of Patriot Platinum insurance is dependent on the following factors: The age of the traveler, the length of insurance coverage, The Plan Limit and the deductible. The higher the plan limit, the higher will be the premium, while the higher the deductible the lower will be the premium. Travelers can choose maximum limits of $2M, $5M, $8M up to age 70.For people age above 70 years plan maximum is reduced o $20K.

    How do I purchase Patriot Platinum insurance?

    You can get the quotes and make an instant purchase of Patriot Platinum travel insurance online with a credit card on American Visitor Insurance. This can be done without the need of any paperwork or medical exam.

    What is the coverage area of Patriot Platinum insurance?

    Patriot Platinum is a comprehensive plan available for Non US citizens and US citizens living outside the US for at least 6 months in a year visiting the US.

    Does IMG sell Cancel for Any Reason Insurance?

    Yes, IMG does offer Cancel for any reason coverage as an add-on product on some of their trip insurance plans.

    What does IMG insurance stand for?

    International Medical Group (IMG) is an Indiana based company offering travel insurance products since 1990. IMG has over 320 employees and offers over 25 travel insurance products for travelers to the US as well as for US citizens traveling overseas.

    Is IMG a good travel insurance company?

    International Medical Group (IMG) has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau since 2005 and has an A- rating.

    Can I buy the Patriot Platinum insurance and renew coverage later?

    Yes, you can buy the Patriot Platinum insurance and renew your coverage later. Patriot Platinum insurance can be extended for a minimum of 5 days up to a 12 months period, until reaching a maximum of 36 continuous months. Prior to the end of each period of coverage purchased, you will receive renewal information. You have the option to renew online or you may complete a paper renewal form. There is a $5 admin fee when you extend the policy. It is recommended to extend your policy a day before the policy expiration date. Once the policy expires, you no longer have the option for extension.

    Which medical network do I have access to in the US with Patriot America Platinum insurance?

    With Patriot America Platinum insurance, you have access to the United Healthcare Options network when seeking treatment in the U.S. This is a national network of board-certified doctors and healthcare facilities that can provide you with quality care and reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

    What are the requirements for purchasing Patriot Platinum insurance?

    To buy the Patriot Platinum insurance, you will need the travel dates and passport details of the traveler. This will include the name of the traveler, the date of birth, the passport number and the travel dates.

Patriot Travel Insurance Cliams Information


Download Patriot Travel Insurance claims form

Toll Free Number
Claims Department
International Medical Group P.O.Box 9162 Farmington Hills, MI 48333
Know more about IMG Cliams »

airplanemode_inactive Patriot Travel Insurance Restrictions

Patriot travel insurance is not offering coverage for residents of Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine and travelers visiting Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine.

Patriot Travel medical insurance - Blogs and articles

IMG Patriot America Plus Insurance

Patriot America Plus Insurance offers comprehensive medical insurance for non US citizens traveling individually or in groups to the USA. This plan also offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to 70 years.

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IMG Patriot Platinum Insurance

Patriot Platinum Insurance is best suited for travelers expecting first-class medical coverage individuals up to $8 million. Patriot Platinum International offers coverage for US citizens traveling outside US.

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