IMG Student Insurance for Sports Coverage Benefit

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IMG IMG Insurance plans offering sports insurance coverage

  • Eligibility to buy Patriot Exchange Insurance
    • Be an active Participant, Spouse of the Participant, or Children traveling with the Participant and residing outside his/her primary Country of Residence for a temporary period of time, and if Destination Country is the United States, Insured Person must hold one of the following visa types: F1/F2, J1/J2, M1/M2 or A1/A2
    • Be at least 31 days old but not yet 65 year old.
    • Be physically and legally residing in the destination country with the intent to reside there for at least 30 days on the effective date and at renewal.
    • Not be hospitalized, disabled, pregnant or HIV+ on the initial effective date.
  • Coinsurance
    • In Network - The plan pays 10% of the first $10,000 with an out of pocket maximum of $1000.
    • Out of Network - The plan pays 20% with no cap.
    • Outside USA - No Coinsurance
  • Patriot Exchange Insurance - Key Highlights
    • Covers Covid19 illness.
    • It is a very affordable plan and meets J visa requirements and F Visa for international students.
    • The deductible can be $500 or less with no further costs for the insured (while most plans have coinsurance which still must be paid after the deductible).
    • If the educational institution has a health center, the student can pay only a $5 copay for each visit for additional benefit and savings.
    • The student can buy this plan with a sports rider to cover activities such as downhill skiing.
  • Patriot Exchange insurance optional riders

    The Student can purchase an optional rider at the time of application. The optional riders provide additional coverage for a minimal charge.

    • Adventure Sports rider hiking
    • Chaperone/Faculty Leader Replacement Rider hiking
  • Eligibility to buy Student Health Advantage
    • Be an active Participant, Spouse of the Participant, or Children traveling with the Participant and residing outside his/her primary Country of Residence for a temporary period of time, and if Destination Country is the United States, Insured Person must hold one of the following visa types:F1/F2, J1/J2, M1/M2 or A1/A2
    • Be at least 31 days old but not yet 65 year old.
    • Be physically and legally residing in the destination country with the intent to reside there for at least 30 days on the effective date and at renewal.
    • Not be hospitalized, disabled, pregnant or HIV+ on the initial effective date.
  • Optional Riders for Student Health Advantage Plan

    The Traveler can purchase an optional rider at the time of application. The optional riders provide additional coverage for a minimal charge.

    • Adventure Sports rider hiking
  • Student Health Advantage Coinsurance
    • Charges incurred outside the US and canada - Company pays 100%
    • Charges incurred inside the US and canada - In PPO or Student Health Center - Company pays 100%; Out of PPO network (PPO network for Student Health Advantage Insurance ) - Company pays 80% of the eligible expenses up to $5,000; then 100% thereafter.

How much do IMG sports insurance cost per month?

The IMG student insurance for USA cost per month ranges from $47 to $269 The price depends on the factors such as student's age, coverage duration, medical benefits, deductible, and co-insurance.

These IMG plans offers optional adventure sports. The Traveler can purchase an optional rider at the time of application. The optional riders provide additional coverage for a minimal charge.

IMG student plans Medical Maximum Deductible Sports Coverage Cost*
Patriot Exchange Program $50,000 $500 Covers optional adventure sports $47
Student health advantage Standard $500,000 $250 Covers optional adventure sports $91
Student health advantage Platinum $1,000,000 $0 Covers optional adventure sports $269

The cost of medical insurance for an international student per month aged 20 years.

IMG Sports Student Insurance - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which is the best international student insurance for sports? Will it cover competition games with other colleges?

Student Health Advantage plan from IMG
This plan provides coverage of $5000 for intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural, and club sports. This is most requested by international students.

2. Will student insurance in USA cover intercollegiate athletics for international students in USA?

Student Health Advantage plan from IMG covers intercollegiate sports activities: This plan provides $5000 coverage for intercollegiate sports activity.

3. Can you get a sports insurance as an international student?

Yes. There are various student insurance plans that cover sports activities, however the sports activities that are covered by the plan vary from one to another.

While a plan covers intercollegiate sports activities, another might cover adventure sports and hazardous sports or the non contact amateur sports.

Here is a list of student insurance plans that cover sports activities:

Patriot Exchange from IMG
This plan covers limited high school and college sports as an optional rider for 100% after the deductible is met . Similarly, it has an optional rider for adventure sports coverage.

Student Health Advantage plan from IMG
This plan provides coverage of $5000 for intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural, and club sports. This is most requested by international students.

International Medical Group(IMG) Insurance related coverage

IMG Insurance related coverage

airplanemode_inactive IMG Insurance Restrictions

IMG Insurance is not offering coverage for residents of Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine and travelers visiting Belarus, Russia, or Ukraine.

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