Patriot Lite group travel medical insurance

Medical Insurance for groups of five or more people traveling outside their home country

Patriot Lite group travel medical insurance

Patriot Lite Group Travel Medical Insurance

IMG provides coverage for any organization which has groups travelling together who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside of your home country.

International travel can quickly turn into a frightening situation if you’re not prepared for a medical emergency. Most travelers assume they will be covered by their standard medical plan, but that isn’t the case. While traditional plans may offer adequate domestic coverage, they are not designed for international travel. Without even realizing it, you may be putting your health at risk.

Travel with one of IMG’s two Patriot Lite group travel medical insurance plans so you can spend more time enjoying your international experience and less time worrying about medical coverage.

Patriot Lite group travel insurance

It is an international travel medical insurance designed for any organization which has groups travelling together. The group should comprise of at least 5 or more members of the organization and traveling outside their country of residence. It covers pre-exisiting conditions for group of travelers while they are away from their home country. For visitors under 65 years of age and visiting USA, their initial period of coverage must be within 6 months of arrival in the United States. For visitors over 65 years of age it must begin within 30 days of arrival. These requirements are waived if proof of previous valid international travel insurance is provided.

Patriot America Lite Group
Coverage for Inside the US
Patriot International Lite Group
Coverage for Outside the US

Patriot Lite group insurance review

Ideal Plan for these groups

  • Students studying overseas
  • Foreign Au pairs, babysitters or nannies
  • Missionaries - individual or group
  • Overseas vacationers
  • Newly arrived immigrants
  • Families sponsoring international exchange students
  • Family members visiting from overseas

Patriot Group Travel Insurance, Patriot travel medical insurance

Impotant factors Patriot America lite Group Patriot International Lite Group
Take a quote & purchase for Individual Patriot America lite details page Patriot International lite details page
Policy maximum Up to $1M Up to $1M
Insurance provider International Medical Group International Medical Group
Underwriter Underwritten by Sirius International Insurance Corporation, a White Mountains Insurance Group Company. Underwritten by Sirius International Insurance Corporation, a White Mountains Insurance Group Company.
Coinsurance In the PPO network: 100% up to the maximum limit
Out of the PPO network: 80% up to $5,000, then 100%
Outside the US: 100% up to the maximum limit
Deductible options $0 to $2,500 $0 to $2,500
Rating "A" (Excellent) "A" (Excellent)
Plan life 5 days to 12 months.
Patriot America lite Group Insurance can be renewed online maximum up to 24 months.
5 days to 12 months.
Patriot International Lite Group Insurance can be renewed online maximum up to 24 months.
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Patriot Group travel Insurance - Highlights

  • Short-term travel medical insurance
  • Coverage for groups with 5% discount
  • Maximum limits from $50k to $2M
  • Deductible options from $0 to $2,500
  • Trip cancellation, travel delay and baggage benefits available
  • Available in monthly and daily rates
  • Discounted premium from the Patriot individual plan
  • Single plan for entire group of travelers
  • Optional Chaperone Rider benefit
  • 24 hour secure access from anywhere in the world to manage your account at any time

IMG Patriot Group Travel plan summary

Eligibility to buy Patriot America lite Group insurance
  • People travelling outside their home country whose destination includes the US and its territories.
  • US citizens living outside USA who want to visit US. They must have resided outside US continuously for the past six months and they must have a current health plan in force.
  • Patriot America lite Group travel insurance for US B1 visitors offers coverage for business trips.
  • This plan can be renewed for up to 2 years.
Eligibility to buy Patriot International Lite Group insurance
  • People outside their home country whose destination excludes the United States or its territories.
  • This plan can be renewed up to 24 months.

Patriot America Lite Group Pre-existing conditions
  • Doesn't Cover pre-existing conditions.
Patriot International Lite Group Pre-existing conditions
  • Patriot International Lite insurance covers Acute onset of pre-existing condition coverage is available within the age of 70.
  • Acute onset of a pre-existing condition - Emergency medical evacuation.
  • Up to $25k maximum limit for up to age 70.

Plan benefits of Patriot Group insurance

  • Eligible medical expenses Up to the maximum limit
    Hospital room and board Average semi-private room rate, including nursing services
    Surgery Up to the maximum limit
    Intensive care unit Up to the overall maximum limit.
    Bedside visit $1.5k maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
    Hospital indemnity $250 per overnight inpatient confinement, maximum limit of 10 overnights. Not subject to deductible
  • Pre-Certification 50% reduction of eligible medical expenses if pre-certification provisions are not met
    Physician visits Up to $15 copay for walk-in clinic. Up to $25 copay for urgent care center. (Copay not applicable when $0 deductible is selected)
    Radiology / X-ray Up to the maximum limit
  • Emergency local ambulance Up to the maximum limit.
    Hospital emergency room Outside the U.S: Up to the maximum limit
    Inside the U.S: Subject to a $250 deductible for each emergency room visit for treatment that does not result in direct inpatient hospital admission. Up to the maximum limit
  • Emergency dental treatment $300 maximum limit due to accident or unexpected pain to sound natural teeth
    Traumatic Dental Injury Up to the maximum limit. Additional treatment for the same injury rendered by a dental provider will be paid at 100%
  • Emergency medical evacuation $1M maximum limit. (independent of the maximum limit)
    Emergency reunion $50k maximum limit
    Return of mortal remains or cremation/burial $50k maximum limit for return of mortal remains or ashes to country of residence, or $5k maximum limit for cremation or local burial at the place of death.
    Return of minor children $50k maximum limit
    Political evacuation and repatriation $10k maximum limit
  • Natural disaster $250 per day and maximum limit of five days for accommodations. Not subject to deductible.
    Trip interruption Up to $5k maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
    Terrorism $50k maximum limit. Not subject to deductible
    Lost luggage Up to $50 per item; maximum of $250
  • Accidental death & dismemberment $25k principal sum
    Common carrier accidental death $50k per insured person and $250,000 maximum limit per lifetime and per family
  • Extended care facility Up to the maximum limit

Patriot Group Travel Insurance Restrictions

Patriot Group Travel Insurance is not offering coverage for residents of Belarus, Russia, Iran or Ukraine and travelers visiting Belarus, Russia, Iran or Ukraine.


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IMG Patriot Group travel Insurance - FAQ's

01. Who the patriot lite Group travel medical insurance is designed for?

Patriot Lite Group travel medical insurance is designed for groups of five or more individuals. Patriot International Lite Group provides coverage for a group of U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S, while Patriot America Lite Group provides coverage for a group of non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country.

Patriot Lite travel medical insurance can offer benefits such as emergency medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death and dismemberment, and more. However, Patriot Lite Group travel medical insurance may also have some limitations or exclusions, such as pre-existing conditions, age limits, and deductibles.

02. How much does Patriot group insurance cost?

The cost of Patriot group insurance depends on several factors, such as the age, destination, duration, coverage amount, deductible amount, and optional benefits of the group members.

03. What does Patriot International Lite Group and Patriot America Lite Group insurance cover?

Coverage usually includes benefits like emergency medical expenses, trip interruption, baggage loss, and more. The specific coverage details can vary by policy.

04. Is emergency medical evacuation included in the group insurance coverage?

Yes, many group travel insurance plans, including Patriot International Lite Group, include coverage for emergency medical evacuation. However, coverage specifics can vary, so it's important to review the policy.

05. Does Patriot International Lite Group and Patriot America Lite Group insurance have trip cancellation coverage?

No, Patriot International Lite Group and Patriot America Lite Group insurance do not have trip cancellation coverage. Trip cancellation coverage is a benefit that reimburses you for the non-refundable costs of your trip if you have to cancel it due to a covered reason, such as illness, injury, death, or natural disaster.

Patriot International Lite Group and Patriot America Lite Group insurance are travel medical insurance plans that cover the medical expenses and emergencies of a group of five or more non-US citizens who are travelling outside their home country, but not to the US, or to the US, respectively. These plans do not cover the non-medical expenses or risks of your trip, such as trip cancellation, trip interruption, lost luggage, or travel delay. If you want to have trip cancellation coverage for your group, you may need to buy a separate travel insurance plan that includes this benefit.

06. What are the advantages of Patriot Group Insurance?

Patriot Group Insurance provides international travel medical insurance for any organization which has groups travelling together. The group should comprise of at least 5 or more members of the organization and traveling outside their country of residence. It covers pre-existing conditions for group of travelers while they are away from their home country. This plan can be available from 5 days to 2 years, Underwritten by Sirius International Insurance Corporation and is rated A- “Excellent” by A.M. Best.

Patriot America Lite Group insurance is designed for people traveling outside their home country. Patriot International Lite Group insurance is designed for people traveling outside the U.S.

07. What is the coverage area of Patriot America Lite Group insurance?

Patriot America Lite Group insurance is designed for people traveling outside their home country.

08. What is the coverage area of Patriot International Lite Group insurance?

Patriot International Lite Group insurance is designed for people traveling outside the U.S.

09. Does Patriot Group Insurance cover pre-existing conditions?

Yes.Patriot International Lite Group covers acute on set of pre-existing conditions up to 70 years while Patriot America Lite Group does not cover pre-existing conditions.

10. What are the different types of patriot Group insurance?

We have two types of Patriot Group plans. Patriot America Lite Group and Patriot International Lite Group for groups travelling together who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside of your home country.

Steps to buy Travel Insurance

Complete the quote form by entering your travel information

Review the best insurance plans of reliable US providers

Compare travel insurance plans based on price and benefits

Select the best travel insurance for your needs and buy it online