Visitors Care insurance plan from IMG

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IMG Visitor Insurance

IMG Visitors insurance protects one in the event of unexpected illness or injury while traveling outside the country. It is a great opportunity to travel internationally but at the same time to make our travel and stay in an outside country an enjoyable and memorable experience purchasing travel health insurance is very essential.

International Medical Group provides several travel medical insurance plans or visitor care insurance plans classified broadly into 2 kinds namely Fixed and Comprehensive. Let's learn about the Visitors Care Fixed plan of IMG in more detail.

IMG Visitors Care Insurance

IMG Visitors Care insurance is a very popular Fixed or scheduled benefits travel medical insurance plan by IMG which is affordable and economical and serves travellers who are Non US citizens traveling outside their home country or country of citizenship.

This plan does not have a co-insurance quotient like most other fixed travel insurance plans. Visitor care insurance offers coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions with sublimits up to chosen plan maximum.

IMG Visitors care insurance

This plan has incidental home country coverage where an insured person during the period of coverage may return to his/her country for a cumulative period of 2 weeks total and retain continuing coverage subjected to conditions specified in the Visitors care brochure. When the traveller is subjected to medical expenses the plan will pay the Usual.

Reasonable and Customary (URC) charges up to the maximum limit specified in the Schedule of benefits in the Visitors Care brochure. If this plan is purchased for a minimum of 5 days, it can then be renewed for a total of up to 2 years. Here is an example showing how the plan pays for the expenses.

Key benefits of Visitors Care Insurance

ecg_heart Acute onset of a pre-existing condition

signal_cellular_alt_2_bar Fixed benefit plan

ambulance Emergency medical evacuation

local_hospital Urgent Care Clinic

sync Renewability

local_hospitalUnited Health Care PPO

Visitor Health Insurance for USA

Policy maximum
$25k $50k $1M
Deductible options
$0 $50 $100 per period of coverage
Insurance provider
International Medical Group
Visitors Care Insurance Rating
AM Rating: A(Excellent)
Visitors Care Travel Medical Insurance Underwriter
Underwritten by SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation (publ)
Period of Coverage
5 days to 2 years.
Visitors Care Insurance Renewal
Visitors Care Insurance can be renewed online to 2 years unless there is a break in coverage.

Key Highlights of Visitors Care Medical Insurance

  • It is an affordable plan for visitors visiting the US. It is a fixed benefit insurance plan
  • This plan covers acute onset of pre existing condition up to the age of 70 for a maximum starting from $25k up to $1M depending on the selected policy maximum
  • This plan is renewable for a maximum of 2 years unless there is a break in the coverage.
  • The plan has a pre existing rider that provides coverage of $5k for ages of 0 – 69 years and provides coverage of $2,500 for travelers aged above 70 years
  • Limited coverage for medical expenses.

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Lori Fields


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Visitors Care health insurance for foreign visitors – FAQ’s

1. How does Visitors Care insurance work?

Visitors Care insurance offers fixed benefit coverage for medical expenses. Visitors Care Insurance has specific benefit limits for different covered medical expenses. These benefit limits are not the same as the plan’s maximum coverage. The visitor when seeking treatment at a hospital, needs to pay the chosen deductible first, then the plan will start paying specific limits for the every medical expenses.
For detailed working example of how it works, you can IMG visitors care insurance reviews working example

2. How can a visitor use Visitors Care insurance in case of emergency in USA?

Travelers can review this article on how to use Visitors Care insurance in case of emergency in USA.

3. Which is the most affordable plan offered by International medical group?

Visitors Care is a fixed benefit plans and most affordable plan by IMG. This plan has specific benefit limits for different covered medical expenses. These benefit limits are not the same as the plan medical maximum.

4. Does IMG sell Cancel for Any Reason Insurance?

Yes, IMG does offer Cancel for any reason coverage as an add-on product on some of their trip insurance plans.

5. How much does Visitors Care insurance cost?

The cost of Visitors Care health insurance depends on the age of the applicant, the chosen deductible, and the maximum limit. The deductible options are $0, $50, or $100. The maximum limit options are $25K, $50K, or $100K. You can get a quote for this plan on American Visitor Insurance.

6. What is the acute onset of pre-existing conditions coverage of Visitors Care health insurance?

Visitors Care health insurance provides coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for people below 70 years of age. This means that if you have a sudden and unexpected recurrence of a pre-existing condition that is life-threatening or requires immediate medical attention, you may be covered up to the maximum limit of your plan. However, this coverage does not apply to chronic or congenital conditions, or conditions that gradually become worse over time.

7. Does IMG Visitors care insurance covers trip cancellation?

No, Visitors Care visitor health insurance USA does not cover trip cancellation insurance. It offers fixed benefits for various medical expenses, such as hospitalization, surgery, physician visits, and prescriptions. It also includes coverage for emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death, dental injury, and incidental trip. However, it does not cover any expenses related to trip cancellation, trip interruption, loss of passport, or baggage loss.

If you are looking for a travel insurance plan that covers trip cancellation, you may have to consider other options from IMG such as Travel SE, Travel LX or Travel Lite. These plans offer comprehensive coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, emergency medical care, and optional coverage for cancel for any reason.

8. What are the exclusions of Visitors Care insurance?

Some of the exclusions of Visitors Care insurance are:

  • War, military action, terrorism, and related consequences.
  • Pre-existing conditions, defined as a medical or health condition (whether physical or mental, regardless of the cause of the condition) that existed before the policy effective date.
  • Preventative care, such as routine physical examinations and immunizations.
  • Vision care, such as eye examinations, eyeglasses, contact lenses, or eye surgery.
  • Dental care, except for dental injury or emergency dental treatment due to an accident.
  • Maternity care, abortion, birth control, or infertility treatment.
  • Mental health disorders, substance abuse, or suicide attempts.
  • Sports and recreational activities that are hazardous or extreme.
9. Do I need to use a network provider to get treatment under Visitors Care health insurance?

No, you do not need to use a network provider to get treatment under Visitors Care health insurance. However, you may save money and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses if you use a provider in the First Health Network, which is one of the largest networks of hospitals and doctors in the U.S.
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IMG Resourceful links of Visitors Care Travel Health Insurance


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