Travel Insurance for Kerala, Kerala Travel Insurance

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What does visitor travel insurance cover?

Health care expenses
Covers hospital expenses for sickness or accidents.

Doctor visit
Insures Doctor visits for sudden injury or sickness.

Pharmacy drugs
Doctor prescribed eligible pharmacy drugs expenses.

Pre-existing conditions
Some plans insure acute onset of pre-existing conditions.

Medical evacuation

Medical evacuation expenses to nearest facility included.

Repat of remains
Repatriation of remains to home country included.

Kerala healthcare for tourists, Travel health insurance for Kerala

Best visitor insurance from India or USA

Evaluate and find the best travel insurance for Covid-19 coverage

Healthcare has evolved as the most vital aspect in the present situation of Covid-19 pandemic where having an effective coverage for coronavirus is essential for all international travelers. At American Visitor Insurance, we aim to provide travelers with the most suitable Covid travel insurance plan to ease the financial risks of international travel with insurance comparison tool.

Based on the traveler’s requirement and with information of the traveler like travelers age, duration of travel, the maximum coverage required, deductible and the need of coverage our comparison function will show the available travel insurance plans. The search can be then tapered down to the most specific plans as per your requirements with the coverage for Covid illness which are competitive and affordable plans.

Travel insurance for visiting Kerala

Select the type of travel health insurance for visiting Kerala...

 Travel insurance with Quarantine Coverage

Travel insurance for Quarantine coverage

  • Travel insurance for US Citizens and US Residents traveling outside USA
  • Provides minimum coverage of $3,000 for potential or extended quarantine lodging expenses due to Covid19.
  • Provides guaranteed travel insurance for Covid19 for medical expenses of at least USD $50,000.
  • Covid-19 is covered as any other sickness
  • Safe Travels Voyager plan's trip delay benefit can be upgraded.
  • The base benefit is $3,000 (which is $250 per day). Traveler’s can choose $4000 ($300 per day) or $7000 ($500 per day).
  • Travel insurance for American citizens and US Residents traveling outside USA
  • Provides minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential or extended quarantine lodging expenses due to Covid19.
  • Provides guaranteed travel insurance for Covid19 for medical expenses of at least USD $50,000.
  • Covid-19 is covered as any other sickness.
  • Covid Quarantine Benefit: Coverage for accommodations due to a covered Trip Delay $2,000/$150 per person per day (6 hours or more) is included in the basic coverage.
  • Optional Quarantine Benefit Upgrade at additional price Trip Delay Max Upgrade - including Accommodations (6 Hours or more) $4000 ($300/day) or $7000 ($500 per day)
  • Travel insurance for Non US Citizens and Non US Residents traveling outside their home country
  • Provides minimum coverage of $2,000 for potential or extended quarantine lodging expenses due to Covid19.
  • Provides guaranteed travel insurance for Covid19 for medical expenses of at least USD $50,000.
  • Covid-19 is covered as any other sickness
  • Travel insurance for US Citizens and US Residents
  • Provides minimum coverage of $1,000 for potential or extended quarantine lodging expenses due to Covid19.
  • Covid19 medical expenses are covered and treated the same as any other sickness
  • Offers coverage of $50,000 for emergency medical expenses
  • Offers comprehensive trip cancellation coverage
  • Travel medical insurance coverage outside USA
  • Atlas insurance offers $50 per day for each day that travelers are quarantined abroad for a maximum of 10 days.
  • Coverage must be bought for a minimum of 30 days. Proof of quarantine mandated by physician needed.
  • Quarantine must be due to you testing positive for COVID-19/SARS-CoV2.
  • Travel insurance for US Citizens and US Residents traveling outside US
  • Trip cancellation up to $50,000
  • Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost
  • $500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation
  • Include $2000 in travel delay benefits for quarantine/lodging.

Covid Quarantine insurance for US citizens

Despite the removal of the Covid-19 restrictions both in the US and around the globe, it is prudent for US citizens to purchase international travel insurance which will make the whole trip worry free and provide good protection for any medical or travel related expenses in case of unexpected situations.

US travelers can either buy US Covid quarantine coverage trip insurance (includes coverage for cost of the trip), or Covid quarantine travel health insurance (insures only the health of the traveler and is cheaper than trip insurance).

 Travel medical insurance to emergency medical expenses

Best travel insurance

Compare and buy the best travel insurance plans. The best international travel insurance plans specially designed to match the needs of international travelers.

Best international travel insurance for US citizens

  • Travel medical insurance for US Citizens and US Residents traveling outside USA
  • Available up to 180 days
  • Offers emergency sickness coverage up to $500,000
  • Covid-19 covered as any other sickness
  • Coverage for travelers traveling outside their home country whose destination excludes the U.S. and its territories.
  • Deductible options from $0 to $2,500
  • Policy Maximum from $50,000 to $2,000,000
  • Renewable upto 24 continuous months
  • Covers COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 as any other Illness or Injury.
  • Patriot Platinum Insurance is best suited for travelers expecting first-class medical coverage; vacationing families; individuals up to $8 million.
  • Deductible options from $0 to $25,000
  • Policy Maximum from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000
  • Renewable upto 24 continuous months
  • Covers COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 as any other Illness or Injury.
  • USA travel medical insurance coverage outside USA for US citizens
  • Available up to 365 days
  • Offers maximum coverage up to $2,000,000
  • Offers insurance coverage for Covid expenses
  • US travel health insurance for US citizens outside USA
  • Available from 5 days to 364 days
  • Offers maximum coverage up to $5,000,000
  • Travel Medical Choice insurance offers coverage for expenses related to COVID-19
  • Short term fixed benefit cheap travel insurance USA for US citizens outside USA
  • Plan maximum options available up to $130,000 for medical expenses
  • Offers coverage outside the US
  • Deductible options from $0 to $1,000
  • Policy Maximum from $50,000 to $150,000
  • Offers emergency medical evacuation coverage up to $500,000
  • Offers coverage for travelling outside your home country
  • It includes coverage for Covid-19 is covered as any other illness under the medical expense maximum.
  • Testing for Covid-19 will only be covered if deemed medically necessary by a physician. The antibody test and prescreening test are not covered, as they are not medically necessary. Maximum age for plan eligibility is 64.

 Expatriate heath insurance for living outside home country

Best Expat insurance, Best Expatriate insurance

Compare and buy the best Expatriate insurance plans. Expat insurance is long term comprehensive global medical insurance for expats living outside their home country.

Expat insurance plans

  • Ideal for US expatriates and for those global citizens living and working outside their home country.
  • Xplorer Premier Insurance provides unlimited annual and lifetime medical maximum.
  • It covers pre-existing conditions with creditable coverage

 Trip cancellation insurance for trip investment expenses

Best trip cancellation insurance, Best trip protection insurance

Trip cancellation plans are designed to insure both the health of the traveler as well as the cost of non-refundable trip expenses should the trip get cancelled or is interrupted.

Best trip cancellation insurance

  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of insured trip cost
  • US Residents on domestic and worldwide trips
  • Travel SE Covid Quarantine Benefit: Travel SE plan offers Coverage for accommodations due to a covered Trip Delay $2,000/$125 per person per day is included in the basic coverage.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of insured trip cost
  • US Residents on domestic and worldwide trips
  • Travel LX Covid Quarantine Benefit: Travel LX plan offers Coverage for accommodations due to a covered Trip Delay $2,500/$250 per person per day is included in the basic coverage.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of insured trip cost
  • Inexpensive coverage for trip cancellation & interruption
  • Travel Lite Covid Quarantine Benefit: Travel Lite plan offers Coverage for accommodations due to a covered Trip Delay $500/$125 per person per day is included in the basic coverage.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of Trip Cost Insured
  • Up to 100% of Trip Cost Insured
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of Trip Cost Insured
  • It covers Trip Cancellation coverage from $150 to $10,000.
  • Trip Cancellation: Trip Cost: Up to a Maximum of $30,000.
  • Maximum Trip Length 90 Days
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of Trip Cost Insured
  • It covers Trip Cancellation coverage from $150 to $10,000.
  • Offered by Trawick International and is highly rated.
  • You can add a "Cancel for Any Reason" waiver onto the plan.
  • It can cover trips up to 90 days long.
  • Cancellation of policy must be purchased within 10 days of the initial trip deposit date.
  • Trip Cancellation: Basic - $15,000 Max
  • Trip Cancellation: Plus - $100,000 Max
  • Trip Cancellation: Elite - $100,000 Max
  • Trip Cancellation: 100% of trip cost up to $30,000
  • Provides coverage for U.S. residents travelling outside their home country
  • Trip Cancellation: 100% of trip cost up to $100,000
  • Provides coverage for U.S. residents travelling outside their home country

 Trip cancellation insurance for Cancel for any reason

Cancel for any reason trip cancellation insurance

While some plans require that the trip is cancelled for an approved reason other plans are available with 'cancel for any reason' benefit. Unless you have purchased 'cancel for any reason' policy, there are many valid reasons to change the dates of trip or cancel it completely that will not be covered.

Cancel for any reason plans

  • Cancel For Any Reason: 75% of non-refundable trip cost
  • Trip Cancellation: 100% of trip cost up to $30,000
  • Cancel For Any Reason: 75% of non-refundable trip cost
  • Trip Cancellation: Tour cost to a maximum of $100,000
  • Cancel for Any Reason: Up to 75% of trip cost insured
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of Trip Cost
  • Cancel for Any Reason: 75% of non-refundable trip cost
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to a Maximum of $50,000. ($30,000 for travellers above 80 years)
  • Cancellation for Any Reason: 75% of the Insured Trip Cost within 21 days of trip deposit - some restrictions apply. Not available in NY or WA.
  • Trip Cancellation: Up to 100% of Trip Cost Insured

 US seniors traveler insurance, Medicare supplement international travel insurance

USA Senior Citizen travel insurance, US seniors travel insurance

Older travelers traveling outside their home country have a tough time finding good travel medical insurance to satisfy all their requirements. Here is a quick comparison of best travel health insurance for older travelers.

Travel insurance for older US travelers

  • The GlobeHopper Multi-trip plan which covers a period of 12 months with a maximum of 30 days for each overseas trip
  • It is an affordable international travel health insurance for US citizens.
  • It offers coverage for medical and evacuation expenses for short trips.
  • It is available up to 12 months
  • It is an renewable long term international travel health insurance for US citizens.
  • It offers coverage for medical and evacuation expenses.
  • It is available up to 12 months.

 Annual travel insurance, Yearly travel insurance

Best Annual travel insurance, Best yearly travel insurance

Annual travel insurance cover multiple trips within an annual insurance plan. Annual insurance plans are ideal for businessmen and corporate travelers as there is no need to buy travel insurance every time they travel and are cheaper than buying several single trip travel insurance plans.

Annual Travel Plans

  • Patriot Multi Trip is designed by IMG to cover travelers taking multiple trips in a year.
  • Covers non US Citizens travelling multiple times annually outside their home country
  • Trekker Essential Insurance offers maximum coverage of $50,000 for sickness and accidents.
  • Available for both US and Non US citizens up to 75 years
  • Maximum trip length is 30 or 45 days per trip
  • Available for US residents only up to age 81 years
  • Maximum trip length is 30 days per trip
  • Voyager Annual (offered by USI Travel Insure) covers US citizens in and out of the US at least 100 miles away from home.
  • It does not cover trip cancellation but can be used for 90 days at a time within a year and is great for frequent travelers.
  • Take an unlimited number of Covered Trips during the 364 day Policy period
  • Covers domestic and international trips - up to 90 days each
  • Offers two plan levels namely Silver and Gold offer options for different needs and budgets
  • Provides coverage for Emergency Accident and Sickness, Emergency Medical Evacuation, Baggage & Personal Effects, Baggage Delay, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment.
  • The Gold plan includes additional benefits like Trip Interruption and Political Natural Disaster Evacuation
Compare Annual Multitrip plans

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Types of US travel insurance

Single Trip Travel Insurance

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Single Trip vs MultiTrip Travel Insurance

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How does travel insurance work?

Claims process for expenses due to injury or sickness
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How to buy travel insurance?

Guide to buying the best international travel health insurance
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Travel insurance glossary

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Travel insurance for specific groups

Tourists, Cruises, Students, J1 visa, OPT status, Immigrants...
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US travel insurance for Kerala tourists - FAQ's

Does Kerala travel insurance cover Covid19 illness?

There are some USA Covid travel insurance plans available for travel to Kerala that cover Covid19 as a new illness. International travelers can compare best Covid travel insurance plans and buy it online.

These US covid travel insurance plans are available for visitors from Kerala to the US, US citizens and US residents traveling abroad as well as non US travelers traveling outside their home country.

What is the best travel insurance?

This is a great question and our website strives to answer this question for our customers. Due to the different needs of different travelers there is not one policy that is always best for everyone in their situation. But those traveling without kids can find different options that may suit them better.

If you are a traveler with concerns about a pre-existing medical condition that cause an emergency, then you will be looking at different plans than someone without a life-threatening pre-existing condition. We endeavor to give our clients as much information as possible so they can find the plan that is best for you. Or, if you want some guidance, our licensed agents are here to help you with your choice!

How do I file a travel insurance claim?

The claim can be filed by submitting the scanned copy of the hospital bill and receipts to the insurance company over the email along with the completed claim form. The customer gets the money reimbursed from the insurance company after they receive the bill.

If the hospital provider and insurance company agree for the direct billing, then the doctor's provider can directly send the bill to the insurance company and they can pay the money directly to the doctor. More details

Visitor insurance from Kerala to USA, Travel medical insurance for Kerala

Senior Citizens

Senior citizen travelers traveling overseas...

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Pre-existing Coverage

Best travel insurance from India to USA with pre-existing conditions coverage...

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Student insurance

US student medical insurance for Kerala students...

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Insurance for H1B Visa

Health insurance for non immigrants in US on temporary work visas...

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Popular tourist destinations in Kerala

Buy travel insurance for Kerala

Kizhunna Beach

Offers a wonderful water view along with soft sand and rock formations that one can rest on the place.

Buy visitor insurance for Kerala

Bekal Fort

The historic monument offers a superb view of Arabian Sea from its tall observation towers, which were occupied by gigantic cannons till a few centuries ago.

Kerala travel insurance


Sabarimala is famous for Ayyappa Swamy Temple and the temple is opened only on October,november and december.

Travel insurance Kerala

Athirapally Waterfalls

Athirapally falls is the biggest waterfall in Kerala and it comes down from a height of 80 feet through several parallel stream.

Balancing Scale insurance

Trip insurance vs Travel health coverage vs Global medical insurance

Confused whether to buy trip, travel or global health insurance? Understand the differences!

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International travel Insurance for Kerala residents

Travel insurance for international tourists visiting Kerala

Trip cancellation insurance

Trip cancellation insurance insure trip cancellation related emergencies while in Kerala....

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Travel medical insurance

Travel medical insurance for Kerala to cover accident and medical expenses...

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Annual travel insurance

Annual travel insurance for frequent travelers to and from Kerala...

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Group Travel insurance

Group travel insurance for Kerala for five or more travelers on same itinerary....

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Visitor visa health insurance USA

New US immigrant insurance

New US Immigrant health insurance

The Trump administration had introduced rules making it mandatory for prospective new US immigrants to show proof of adequate US health insurance while applying for the immigrant visa. The aim of this mandatory US health insurance for immigrants is to reduce the burden on the US hospitals, the overall US health care system and finally on US tax payers by uninsured new immigrants.

At American Visitor insurance we offer US medical immigrant insurance plans which work well for prospective new US immigrants. After buying this immigrant medical insurance, customers will immediately receive the health insurance policy document by email. Customers can use this immigrant insurance document as proof of US health insurance while applying for the Immigrant visa. Given this rule as well as the very high cost of healthcare in the US, it is strongly recommended to buy medical insurance for new US immigrants.

New US immigrant insurance blogs

US Immigrant health insurance plans

Compare popular US immigrant plans suitable for immigrants regardless whether permanently in the US or traveling out or waiting for Green Cards

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Difference between visitors and immigrant Insurance

Find out the difference between US visitors insurance and new immigrant insurance. Compare and buy the best immigrant insurance for USA!

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US Health insurance mandatory for new US immigrants

The US government has made it compulsory for new immigrants coming to the US to have proper US immigrant health insurance coverage.

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Travel insurance Kerala, Kerala health insurance for foreigner’s information

Travel flights

Travel insurance Kerala resources

International travel insurance resources for Kerala visa holders.

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Worldwide globe

Factors for travel insurance Kerala online

Important factors while deciding on the best travel insurance to Kerala.

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balance scales

Types of Kerala travel insurance online

Understanding different types of Kerala visa travel insurance options.

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Suit case files

Kerala travel insurance Claims Procedure

Kerala travel insurance online claims process for getting medical care in a hospital.

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Travel medical insurance Kerala, Travel insurance to Kerala from USA links

US medical insurance for visitors to global destinations

US health insurance for travelers to USA

American flag insurance
Overseas travel insurance for US residents

Find the best US visitor insurance coverage - Blogs and Articles

Affordable travel insurance Online

Fixed benefit or scheduled benefit plans are the most affordable international travel insurance plans.

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Best international travel insurance

International travel insurance plans covering pre-existing conditions which many older travelers look for.

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Compare US travel insurance online

Compare quotes online for best travel insurance online, Fixed vs comprehensive travel insurance USA.

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Advantages of buying travel insurance online

Compare and buy the best travel medical insurance plans online.

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Buy cheap travel insurance

There are many cheap international insurance plans also known as visitor insurance plans.

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How does travel insurance work?

Coinsurance & Deductible - How visitor travel insurance works.

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Travel insurance for trip cancellation for Non US residents

Which are the best travel insurance companies in USA?

You can find reliable US insurance providers like International Medical Group(IMG), Seven Corners, WorldTrips, Global Underwriters, Travel Insure, GeoBlue, HTH Worldwide and INF insurance.

Which are the best visitors insurance companies in USA?

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